My Daughter

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I cleared my head a bit after taking a nice long drive around the outside of town for a few hour. By the time I made it back to the club it had become dark and the night was cool. Pulling up and parking I noticed that Darcy's bike was still in the parking lot, only it was actually lined up with the rest of the bikes now. Backing my bike up I turned it off and took off my helmet. I rubbed my hand along my face and prepared myself for the talk I had ben dreading since I left.

How the hell did this happen? Well....I mean....I know exactly how this happened, but how could I have not known. Why was I never told? Darcy told me her mother was Sarah. As soon as she said that though I could tell. She was the exact spitting image of her mom. All except for her eyes, she had my eyes. Hopefully that's all she got from me. I made my way into the club to find the music going while some of he guys were playing pool, others were sitting around playing cards, but what caught my attention was the laughing and hollering coming from the bar. Walking over seeing what the hell was going on I saw Darcy sitting there at the bar throwing back two shots, one after the other, and slamming the glasses down on the table.

All the guys cheered and were patting her on the shoulder. Across from her sat Chibs our resident Scot and best house drinker. I was actually impressed that she seemed to be holding her own against him, but that feeling quickly wore off and dad mode kicked back in. I walked over behind the bar just as Chibs was down his drinks and Darcy was getting ready to do her two next ones. Before she could though I pulled the bottle out of her hand and took her glasses away.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She said aggressively turning to me. I stashed the bottle behind the counter and threw the glasses in the sink not caring if they broke or not. In the exact same tone I said,

"I should be asking you the same thing! You only jut got here today, why are off drinking with a bunch of guys you don't even know?!" Our shouting had caught the attention of everyone in the club and all the guys that were standing around just seconds ago had slowly slinked away from all the commotion. All except Jax, Chibs, and Juice they were standing around watching us. Darcy got up and walked over towards the pool table ranting about how it was so unfair and what not. Chibs got up and followed after her probably trying to calm her down.

"Tig, we meant no harm. We were just trying to cheer her up after you took off." I turned on Juice and said,

"Don't get into this Juice! This is between me and my daughter!" After I said that I realized that I really had no right to be upset with her. She was a grown woman after all, I actually didn't even know how old she was....goddamnit.....I feel like such a piece of shit.

"Listen, we're sorry ok, but we were honestly trying to take her mind off everything that happened earlier. She was really down about the whole you taking off thing, so Chibs brought her in here to wait for you and we got to talking. She's a really sweet girl Tig. Don't be angry with her, she just wants to get to know you." Jax said when he came around the counter and put his hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes as he spoke to me knowing he didn't have any bad intentions for her. Opening my eyes I looked at him and said in a much calmer voice,

"I know, I know. I'm not angry with you guys." I looked at Juice sayin, "Sorry for yelling at you man. I've just got so much going on in my head at the moment." Juice smiled and waved it off.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't take it to heart. I know you have all of this going on."

I pushed off from leaning on the bar and patted Jax on the shoulder which made him smile. I figured I should probably go straighten things out with Darcy. Walking over I noticed how comfortable she looked around Chibs. They were both sitting on the pool table and Chibs had his arm around her back with her head laying on his shoulder. He was running his fingers through her hair and I couldn't make out what he was saying, but he was speaking very quietly to her. She looked like she was practically asleep already when I made my way over there.

"She's calmed?" I asked walking up to them.

"It took me talking to her for a bit, but aye I calmed her down. Then she got comfortable and decided to just fall asleep on me. Not that I'm complainin." Chibs smiled and I slightly glared at him which made him laugh. "I'm only messing with you brother, but hey you were the one who was in lo-" Face palming I said,

"No, no, never speak of that." Chibs laughed a bit more.

"Well even though she does look comfortable I should probably take her into my room and let her have my bed for the night." I went over to pick her up when Chibs asked,

"Where you gonna sleep then?" With her in my arms I said turning back round to face him.

"I'll probably just crash on one of the couches."

"Or you could let her stay in my bed for the nigh with me and you wouldn' be out of a bed." Chibs said as Jax came walking over past us towards the door. Hearing what he said he turned around to see what my reaction would be. Hold my daughter in my arms I lifted my right arm, pointing at him, and said,

"Watch it. I will drop her to come over there and kick your ass." That got a laugh out of the both of them and smiled shaking my head. "Goodnight guys." I said heading back to the bedrooms and heard them call their goodnights back to me as Jax left and Chibs followed him to lock up since everyone was gone now. Pushing the door open with my foot I walked inside and laid Darcy down on my bed as gently as possible trying not to wake her. Thankfully she only stirred a little, but I think it was more for comfort reasons then anything else. I covered her up with one of my blankets and stepped back to look at her. She looked so much younger and peaceful laying there which brought a smile to my face. I turned away and walked to the closet to grabbed an extra blanket then headed back out the door to go lay down on one of the couches since all the rooms were taken up tonight. 

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