The Rides

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My dad and I had sat there for a good hour or so longer just catching up on things that he had missed out on in my life, but after a bit he noticed the time and realized it was his turn to clock in at TM. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran over to the garage. Sure I could've went over and sat with him and the guys while they worked, but I felt like I needed some space to just breathe for a little while. Noticing how low the sun was in the sky and the sky itself beginning to change colors I checked my phone for the time. It was already six, good lord where did the time go?

Also wasn't Chibs suppose to help me move or something? Speaking of Chibs, shouldn't Jax and Clay be back as well? I hope nothing went wrong with his kid. As I was thinking that I heard the rumble of a couple Harleys coming down the road a ways. Within a few minutes two of the four guys that had left earlier pulled in and parked. Bobby and Chibs got off their bikes, but Bobby headed over to garage while Chibs made his way over to me. He didn't look his happy normal self that I had gotten to know this morning and last night. I stood up as he got closer and asked,

"So how is everything with the kid? Is he ok?" Chibs gave me a half hearted smile and took a seat on the bench of the picnic table I had just been sitting at. He pulled out a cigarette, lit it and took a long drag of it then offered it to me. I took it grateful because I had smoked the last of mine the night before. After I took it from him he looked at me and said,

"The doctor said he has a twen'y percent chance of survivin. His belly has a hole in it and so does his heart." I sat down on the picnic table that was beside his and put my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my knee and when I opened my eyes I saw Chibs looking at me over his sunglasses. "Are you alright?" I sat back up took a puff of the cigarette and handed it back to him. Nodding my head I said,

"Yea,....yea I'm good....and so Jax's boy will be too." Chibs took the cigarette and smiled slightly when he said,

"His name's Abel." I returned the smile and said,

"That's a good name. I knew a guy named Abel, he was a good man." We sat there in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence though, at least not for me. To me it was just us letting our minds settle after all the information and events that had happened today. A few more minutes passed before Chibs stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and stood up, but gave him a confused look.

"So are you ready to go or do you have to do anything else around here?" Still confused I said,

"I guess I'm ready bu-" Before I could finish though he interrupted me and clapped his hands together once.

"Good then we can get goin." He said as he began walking over to his bike. I quickly followed behind to catch up. Once over to his bike he handed me his helmet and I asked,

"Where exactly are we going?" I put the helmet on as Chibs slung his leg over his bike looking at me.

"To the hotel you're stayin at, remember? Got to get you moved into my ren'al place today." He smiled and I felt like an idiot. I literally just thought about that a few minutes before he got here.

"Right, right, right sorry." I said shaking my head. "My mind has been everywhere today."

"I think all of our has lass. It's been a tirin day." He motioned with is head to the back of his bike. "Now get your perfect little ass on the back of my bike so we can leave. We have to be back in time for the party." I was mid way getting on his bike when he said that. I paused before sitting all the way down and asked,

"Party? What party?" Chibs' expression was priceless. I could tell he had revealed something he shouldn't have so I asked again. "Is the surprise the guys were talking about earlier a party? Are they throwing a party for me?" Chibs quickly revved his engine to life and yelled over the roar.

"Sorry, I can' hear you. Now sit down we've got to be heading out." And with that he pulled out of his spot causing me to fall down on my ass and feel as if I was going to fall of his damn bike. In a panic I wrapped my arms around him in a hurry and then I could feel his body shake with laughter.

"What are you laughing about?" I yelled over the engine and wind.

"I was just thinkin" He yelled back, "if you wanted me so badly that I could've just joined you in the shower this mornin." He laughed again and I didn't say anything I only shook my head and laughed to myself. I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me and I wasn't going to let that happen. So instead I leaned in close to his ear and whispered loud enough over the noise so that I knew he could hear me.

"Why didn't you then?" At the same time I said that I took one of my hands, which by the way usually stay on the cooler side, lifted up the bottom of the front of his shirt slightly and just barely slide my finger tips across his skin there. Instantly I felt his body tense up and heard him suck in a startled breath. That got a better reaction then I was expecting.


Darcy was dying on the back of my bike.

"Yea, yea, yea. You're hilarious Darcy. Sooo funny." I said attempting to compose myself.

"You know you don't mind." That wasn't really the point. This was one of my best friend's and brother's kid. Sure she was in her early to mid twenties, but I still felt kinda bad for getting some feelings for her.

"That's not the point." I mumbled under my breath. I was angry, well not really, but I was frustrated and in more ways then one. It'd been a good long while since I'd gotten any and not for means of not being able to get it. I had just been tired of the same ol' lady wanna be whore that would prance their happy ass around the club for any of the guys that would give them the time of day. I'd given it a good long thought for sometime now and decided a little while back that I might finally be ready to settle down and find a new ol' lady. Maybe Darcy came into my life for a reason....As I was deep in thought I was brought out of it by her tapping me on the shoulder and pointing to the right.

"It's right down that road at the end." She said motioning. I turned and with in a few seconds I could see the hotel sign just a few yards ahead. I pulled into the parking lot  and saw a red and white bronco parked in the lot with a small motorcycle trailer on the back that was empty . I kinda figured that this was her ride, so I pulled up to it and let her hop off. She handed me back my helmet as I parked and turned off my bike.

"I'll be right back. Just got to run inside and grab my suitcase that I took in there." I smiled at her and took of my sunglasses.

"Take your time love." Darcy smiled and ran back to her room to grab her stuff. While I was standing there admiring her vehicle my phone rang. It was Clay. "Hello?"

"Chibs, are you busy?"

"I'm with Darcy at the hotel, getting her things. Why? Wha' do ya need?"

"Just wanted to give you a heads up that we've having church again before the party tonight."

"This about what Jax did earlier and the warehouse?"

"Yea, we'll talk about it late."

"Alrigh' brother see you then" I hung up the phone as Darcy walked out of her room dragging a good size suitcase behind her "You need any help there Darc?" I asked walking over to the passenger side where she was headed.

"No, no. I'm fine. I should be able to get it myself." I stood there for a few second watching her unlock the door and then clearly struggling to try and lift this bag into the truck. I laughed and after a few seconds I went over to her and said,

"Out of the way. I'll get it for ya." She huffed and sighed loudly when she moved aside so I could lift the bag and put it in the truck for her.

"Thanks, Chibs." She said with a smile and told me to lean down. Not really caring why, I did and was pleasantly surprised when she kissed my cheek making me smile. She started around the front of the truck and said, "So I guess I'll just follow you then." I went over to my bike, put my helmet on, and said,

"It's not that far from here actually. Only a minute or two in that direction." I said pointing towards the east.

"Lead the way then sir." Darcy climbed up into the driver's seat and brought her beast to life just as I let mine roar as well.  

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