Getting Heated

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It didn't take long for Darcy and I to get her moved in. She only had a couple boxes marked clothes, books, and misc. Though that's really all she needed because the small house was fully furnished already. While we were getting things moved in she asked me, 

"So what took you guys so long earlier?" It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about.

"Uh, Jackie had to take care of"

"And by business you mean...?" I thought about whether I should tell her, but I figured it wouldn't do any harm if she knew.

"Ya remember Wendy, Jackie's ex ODin'?" She nodded her head and I continued. "Well we don' allow drugs in Charming. They got in somehow and we wen' to pay the guy tha' sold them to 'er a little visit."

"I have two questions." She said holding up two of her fingers.

"Go on." She put one finger down and asked,

"One, what do you mean by 'we don't allow drugs in Charming'? Are you guys like the 'law' around here?" She said with a laughing.

"In a way yes. Charmin' is our home. We have to protect the people in it." I said looking at her as I leaned up against the work bench. Her smile faded and she looked a little more serious.

"You're not joking then. You guys really do run stuff around here then." She seemed to except that easily enough then she asked, holding up another finger.

"And two," I stooped her right there and said,

"Now, you already asked two questions love. You can't ask a third." I said with a smirk. She glared at me and said,

"I only asked one question. The other one was like a....a sarcastic side question!" She looked so cute when she got flustered and I started laughing lightly. Darcy walked over and punched my shoulder.

"Aye, I'd tell ya to watch it, but it's not like ya could leave a mark or anythin' any'ow." I said laughing and that really got her going because she pulled back and went to hit me again, but I caught her fist. She tried to pull her hand away, but couldn't so she tried to slap me this time. Yet again she was too slow and I grabbed her hand. With both of her wrists in my hands I pulled her close to me and she stopped struggling, but her breathing had picked up slightly.

Darcy smelled of soap, my cologne from the my clothes that she was still wearing, and her own sweet scent. I hadn't noticed it before, but with us being so close like this it was heard to miss. Neither of us said anything. We just stood there, bodies against each other. At first I thought I had been imagining it, but I hadn't we were slowly getting close to each other. I looked at her full lips and wanted nothing more then to kiss them. Within seconds that's exactly what I was doing. I released her hands and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. She ran her fingers through my hair and pulled slightly which made me smile into the kiss, but as I pulled my head back down I felt a very different kiss that I wasn't expecting. Darcy had a smile on her face and was smirking as she held her blade to neck once again. I rolled my eyes and said,

"Ya jus' had to go an ruin the mood by pulling out that thing out again didn't ya."I said pulling her towards me again, a little more rough this time. As soon as I did it I felt the knife dig into my neck and could feel the blood slowly run down the side of my neck. Dacry looked shocked and pulled her knife away then touched my neck.

"Oh my god Chibs, I'm so sorry. I was only joking I didn't mean to actually do that, but when you pulled me closer it nicked you slightly." She said as she grabbed some paper towels to clean my neck up and I laughed.

"Don' worry abou' it dear'" I leaned down, pecked her on the lips, and then slide past her saying, "You keep pullin' tha' thin' out on me Darc an I think I'm gonna start likin' it." As I walked past I smacked her ass lightly laughing. She jumped and spun around then yelled at me.

"How dare you kiss me?!" That made me laughing even more.

"Ha! Like ya didn' wan' it as well." I said turning and clapped my hands together. "Ya can' play the innocen' card with me love." Darc glared at me and smiled then walked up to me.

"Can I ask my third question now?" She had a bit of an attitude going on and I found it attractive.

"I'm not stopping ya." I smirked and looked down at her.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Why not?" She shook her head and rolled her eyes. I smiled and watched her walk off towards her bronco. Darc walked back into the garage carrying one last box, which I grabbed from her since it looked kind of heavy.

"Is tha' the last of it then?" I asked as I took the box into the garage and laid it down. Standing up I turned to face Darcy, who had followed me in.

"Yup, just those few boxes." She said kicking the corner of one of the boxes lightly.

"You pack lighter then most women I know." I said nudging her as I walked past. She turned and followed me back out.

"Well that's not too hard when you don't have much to your name." She said with a laugh.

"I know the feeling." I said as I closed the garage door behind us. "I don't even own a house of my own." She looked at me when I said that.

"But you own houses. Why don't you just live in one of those?"

"I don't need to. I have no family, not many belongin's, and no one to go home to, so wha' would be the point?" I shrugged and got on my bike. Looking over at her as she stood there with the sun setting a lot lower in the sky then when we came out here I noticed again how beautiful she was. She wasn't the thinnest twig on the branch, but it suited her. I'd seen enough of skin and bone women to make any dog hungry, but not me. Darcy looked back at me though and said,

"That sounds kind of sad actually." She came a little closer and spoke again. "You've never been married? You seem like such a sweet guy that surprises me." I cleared my throat and figured I might as well tell her before she finds out from someone else.

"I was married once. Well I'm actually, legally, still married, but I haven' seen her or my daughter in so many years." There was some sort of emotion that crossed Darcy's face that was gone within seconds. Maybe I shouldn't have dumped that all on her at once...She seemed to want to say something, but stopped herself. Then I guess she figured out what she was going to say.

"Why aren't you with them anymore? I-I mean if you don't mind me asking." I smiled and patted the seat behind me.

"Hop on and I'll tell you later. I have to be gettin' back for church and you need to be back for tha' surprise party tha' you don' know about, right?" She acted surprised and said,

"Surprise party! For me?!" I shook my head and said,

"Good lass." Darc stuck her tongue out at me and was about to get on the back on my bike when she stopped.

"Ugh, goddamnnit!" She started running back up the drive and I stood up and called after,

"Where ya going? We've gotta get back soon."

"Hang on, I have to grab 'something sexy'!" Darcy said quoting Jax from earlier today. I sat back down and lit a cigarette while I waited for her to grab her things. About ten minutes later she came running back down the drive with a bag slung over her shoulder. I threw my nearly done cigarette down and stepped on it as she jumped on the back.

"Took ya long enough. I actually managed to finish my smoke." She was slightly out of breath, but she said,

"Well I had to find everything that I needed. Beauty isn't easy ya'know." I shook my head and started up my bike. We headed down the road and went towards TM. 

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