Half Sack

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Jax walked off towards the garage and left me as Tig, an old man with grayish white hair, and another older man with longer curly gray hair pulled in. Tig smiled at me as he parked his bike and I walked towards him. I wasn't mad at the reaction he had yesterday, I mean I was at the time, but the more I got to thinking about it I understood why he freaked. It was a pretty shocking thing to be told out of no where. Thankfully though he came back and seemed a lot more at peace with the situation since I did wake up in his room this morning after all.

Pulling off his helmet he kept smiling and said,

"Hey there sweetheart. How you feeling this morning?" I leaned down and hugged him as he wrapped an arm around my side.

"Feeling pretty good. Chibs brought me some medication this morning thankfully."

"Looks like that's not all he brought you" The chubby long haired one said laughing. Tig pulled back from hugging me and looked at me up ad down.

"Are these his clothes?" He said picking at my shirt.

"Yea, I didn't have any with me so he brought me some of his this morning before I took a shower." He seemed to understand and didn't say anything else about it. The other guy was still sitting on his bike when Tig got up and stood beside me.

"So this is your little girl, huh Tig?" Tig got another smile on his face and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Yea, this is Darcy. Darcy this is our Pres. Clay and this is one of my brothers, Bobby." They both got off their bikes and came over to me. I smiled at both of them as Clay said,

"Welcome to the family Darcy." He smiled and hugged me and then Bobby hugged me.

"It's so nice to meet you." Bobby said when he hugged me, but as he was doing so we all turned towards the garage because we heard Chibs yell,

"Get back to work! These vehicles aren' gonna fix themselves!"

"I guess we should be getting over there before Chibs rips them a new one and leave you alone so you can hangout with your girl, but remember I need you later." Clay said pointing to Tig as he looked over his sunglasses.

"No problem, I'll be there brother." Tig said and then turned back to me. "So what did you want to talk about angel?" He got off his bike and lead me over to the tables near the entrance of the club.

"I just wanted to apologize about how drunk I got last ni-" Before I could finish he said,

"No, no, no, no, no sweetie. There's no need. I'm the one that needs to apologize. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. That was wrong of me, but I wasn't expecting to get that kind of news y'know? I didn't mean to leave, I just needed some time to thin-" I found it hilarious that he was rambling. So to stop him I put my arms around him and he instantly stopped talking. I felt his arms wrap around me and his chin lean against the top of my head. I smiled and sighed. This is what it's like to have a dad then. Sighing I looked up and what I saw next was not what I was expecting to see.

"Oh my god, what the fuck is that?" I said because a car with something sticking out of the windshield was brought up on a wrecker by Chibs and some young kid around my age. I pulled away and looked at it as Tig turned to look as well.

"Come on," he grabbed my hand and led me over to the car. "Let's go check it out." He said with a confused look on his face. We walked over and Jax looked at me and said,

"Some days you're the car and some days you're the deer." He nudged my shoulder as he jumped over the car and stood by me.

"This is a lovely sight." I said gesturing to the deer and looking at it. "I feel bad who's gonna deal with this mess."

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