Tears and Sorrow

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I love you guys. 


I'm not even going to be funny. Knowing people actually like my story, this makes me genuinely smile. I've never felt comfortable writing anything creatively to show anyone. But now, I've never felt so good about myself. I mean, the story isn't very popular, but to know people take the time to read it?

Thank You. So Much.


"Hiccup Haddock!"

Hiccup nervously made his way to The raging HeadMaster. He looked at his mentor, Professor tooth, but she dared not to look him in the eye. Even though they weren't facing him, Hiccupcould see the dissapointment in her eyes. The colorful and mismatched dressed professor acted very uncharacteristic compared to usual. She kept her head down thinking, 'Hiccup would never...'

Normally everyone would be surprised if they walked into that. But Hiccup had proved himself as a strong boy, -maybe even a man,- who wasn't deemed as weak as he came across.

But he was still just as scared as he would've been before. He was shaking, when the only fully concious friend, Rapunzel shouted, "Wait!" As Hiccup stopped to look at him. She was in pain, but she managed to say, "I-It wasn't his fault!" Hiccup wondered why she was the first to speak. There were still people around them, tired, and many had left for the night, but the people who were there had only stared. Then it accured to him.

Where was Astrid?

Merida, who was finally coming to, had stood up. Had she hit her head on the way down? She was trickling with blood as if it were the color leaking from her hair.It was a slight trickle, and she was fine overall, dispite the little scrapes from sliding on the marble floor. But it made Hiccup shutter.

"Hiccup's innocent!" She said as loudly as she could, but her voice came out groggily. 

Jack wanted to defend him too, but he felt his conciousness fading slowly as the room felt like it had been spinning. He'd never been attacked so physically. He'd encountered nasty  spells, and they sometimes didn't end well, but to have the pain forced out of him so slowly and expectantly was the worst yet.

And he lost conciousness. Wide eyed, Rapunzel turned to Jacks limp body, slumped over and broken, and knelt by is side. She grabbed the end of her hair deperately, but remembered they were useless. They were short and couldn't help him. She felt tears falling onto his limp body as she shook him furiously, "Wake up!" WHen she finally looked around to see everyone staring, she shouted :Don't just stand there! Somebody help them!" She exclaimed, as she she was cryin so hard she began groaning in depression. She layed herself over his body, bleeding in open wounds.

"Everyone, Go back to your dormitories at once!" North shouted. "Get him to the hospital wing, now!" The nurse was off this evening. They had to help him themselves, dispite no one really knowing how to mend bones and heal him. They had to wrap him up the muggle way, for now.

Hiccup, nor anyone else knew what was happening. People shuffled out of the Ball room in such a rush i was almost like people got more bruises from being trampled out the door.

With all of the bodies lying limp onto the floor, North knelt down by Jack, and put his hand to his chest. But by the time Anyone could figure out what was happening, they were gone in a whiff of black.

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