chapter 30

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Skylar's POV

We just got our hair and nails done. I go into my room and change.

Wow! I feel naked. I mean I'm 31 years old. Yes! I have a nice body and all that but, this isn't me.

I walk outside of my room and down the stairs to meet Stacie and Mary.

" we are burning those clothes after you wear them tonight" Jesse says.

" we are not. We, will put them in their memory boxes so, they have their clothes from their first mission" I say.

" I agree with mom dad " James says.

" so, do I" Stacie says.

" I don't I agree with dad. " Mary says.

" but, your mom can keep hers for sure" Jesse says and I laugh.

" seriously? Gross!" Mary says and James laughs.

I get my keys and we leave and head to the strip.

About thirty minutes later we arrive. We, get out and Jesse picks me up.

" put me down " I say.

" no" he replies and picks up Stacie.

James, then picks up Mary and she starts kicking and punching him. Stacie, and I start laughing so hard and so, does Jesse.

" Stacie, I can't move in these tight ass clothes!" Mary says.

" watch the mouth!" I say and lick Jesses face. He the drops me flat on my butt.

" ow!" I say.

" next time don't lick my face" he says and Stacie gets down.

Mary, ends up kneeing James where the sun doesn't shine and he drops her falling to the ground.

Stacie, starts snap chatting it.

After, thirty minutes of playing around we get to work.

" remember, to keep your ear pieces in the whole time" Officer berry says.

" alright " I reply.

Jesse and James already left to help out some other people.

I stand on the steps and Stacie is to my right leaning against the wall and Mary, is on my left sitting on the stairs.

* Stacie's POV*

A guy around twenty four maybe twenty Six walks by and I smile.

" hey, how much?" He asks.

" twelve hundred at the least" I say.

" okay that's a good deal." He says.

" just so, you know I'm only thirteen " I say.

" okay" he says.

I look at my mom and he takes me inside. We go to the right to the check in place.

" I do this for living so, I already have a room ready" I say.

" no its fine I'll just get a room" he says and literally pays for a room.

Crap! He Reeks of alcohol and pot.

We, takes us to the room and he tries to take my shirt off. I slap his hand away and I'm wondering where the under covers are. Like why haven't they figured out I've basically, got kidnapped?

He's saying stuff like how it'll go and how its going to be fun and everything. Like he's really freaking me out. How did my mom do this for a year and then deal with these kind of people as a undercover?

" listen, just let me go and I won't say anything. I'm working with undercover and everything this is just to put the sickos in jail and everything. I won't press charges or anything" I reply being as nice as I can even though I'm lying. Of course im going to press charges.

" I was going to go to jail because, of you?" He says.

" yeah! I'm so sorry but, crap happens " I reply and he punches me literally in the eye.

I start crying and it only gets worse. He's being physical and he's making me do things I don't want to.

* Marys POV*

Stacie's, been gone and I haven't heard from her or anything. She, left with a older guy and everyone knew that because, right now that's our job.

I walk to mom and she looks at me.

" Honey, what's wrong?" She asks.

" mom, I've had five guys arrested and Stacie started before me. She, left with some guy and hasn't came back. I've checked her room and everything and she's not in there. I think something bad happened" I reply.

She runs to Officer berry and they are talking.

" come on!" She says and we start running with cops everywhere.

They, are splitting up in the lobby and we run up to the hotel part.

I go to the front desk.

" Hi, have you seen a young blonde with a older guy? She's wearing a black lace crop top and a black skirt with heel boots?" I ask the lady.

" I'm sorry miss I can't tell you" she replies.

" Really? Are you fricken serious right now?! That's my sister. We are undercover and we are in a dangerous mission right now and she could be getting hurt or raped or something right now so, just tell me where the hell she's at!" I yell at the Lady.

" Fourth floor room b13" she replies and everyone takes off up there including my mom and I.

I don't have no clue how she's running in those boots and I'm falling all the time. I'm kinda tom boy that's why.

We, get to the room and I open the door even though they told me not too.

I see my sister screaming and a guy on top of her. I go into shock and start crying. Officer Berry arrests the guy and my sister is bawling and her knee is broken.

I run to her and hug her tight.

" OMG OMG OMG I'm so sorry this is all my fault" I say and hug her while she Cries.

" no its not. Its mine I should have ran but, I didn't" she says.

An ambulance comes and takes her for knee surgery.

She, shattered her knee some how and she also broke her wrist.

She, has a black and blue eye with a cut lip. She, also has cuts and bruises.

We, quit the mission and my dad and brother is pissed.

Stacie, will now need crutches for months.

Thoughts? This idea was from my girl ilovemanyfandoms. So shout out to her! What will happen next?


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