Chapter 5

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Skye's POV

Its a body bag. I take out my phone and call Jesse.

" Hello?" He says.

" Jesse, I need you to come down here to the place now. She, met with someone and they have a body bag in her trunk " I reply.

" make sure they don't see you. I'll be right there" he replies and hangs up. I send him the address and I see Kylie and the guy still talking.

The guy looks over and I hide behind the brick wall.

" Who's the next target?" He says.

" Its that Skylar girl. She's, really shady. I need you to do some research on her and everything" Kylie says and I start crying.

I call Jesse again and he answers.

" Where the hell are you. I'm basically, listening to them plan my death. I can't get to my car without them seeing me" I whisper yell in tears.

"Skye, I'm around The corner. Put, your hair up and put your video camera in your jacket. " he says.

" Funny, I was going to come out yelling I'm Skylar come and get me" I reply and hang up. I do what he says and put my head down.

I walk to the car and get in.

" Where to?" He asks.

" A motel, were going to stay their for awhile" I reply.

" Okay, let's go then" he replies and drives to New York new York.

We, get a hotel room. We, go into the room and I sit down.

" Are you okay?" He asks.

" They, are planning my death and she wants him to do some research on me" I reply.

" alright let's go" he says.

" Where are we going?" I ask.

" Partying" he says.

I go into the bathroom and put my blue dress on.

We, leave and go on the rollercoaster. We, then go to a night club.

* 2 a clock in the morning*

Well, we went out about 10 and its now 2. For four hours we have been drinking. I can walk but, only with Jesses help.

We, go back to the hotel and we lay on the bed.

" Jesse?" I ask.

" What?" He ask.

" What's your story?" I ask.

" Well, my parents live in California and my sister and brother live there also. They, are both younger then me. My sister, is your age and My brother is 16. What about you?" he replies.

" cool, my brother is 24 and my younger sister 14 years old. My parents are also in California but, we don't talk that much since, I got pregnant with Stacie" I reply.

" that must suck. Are you with her father?" He ask.

" Kinda, but I honestly don't know if its going to work. ive kept him from his life and I made him quit his job as a undercover for me so, I could work. I messed up his life and I honestly don't want to make him unhappy. " I reply.

" my ex did the same thing. But, if he would do that, its because he loves you" Jesse replies.

" Do you really think I'm worth loving? I'm a hot mess I mean I can't even keep my daughter safe" I reply.

" your worth loving trust me. The first time I met you I fell in love with you" he says and kisses me.

Well, I think you know what happened after, that.

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