Chapter 14

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Skylar's POV

Its now December 23rd. We, have been waiting for three whole days and I'm so uncomfortable.

I've been sick every time I get up.

" mommy?" Stacie says getting up on the bed.

" yeah?" I ask.

" can we go to Aunt Maci's?" She replies.

" no Stacie, I'm on bed rest until the baby comes" I reply.

" then can aunt Maci come here with Bentley and Jayde?" She replies.

" I guess, go have daddy call them" I reply.

" daddy left" she replies.

" seriously? Okay just go play with Mary in the playroom and Aunt Maci will be here soon" I reply.

I then dial Maci's number.

" OMG are you in labour?" She asks.

" No not yet. Can you come over with Bentley and Jayde? I need help with the kids. Jay left and I didn't even know" I reply.

" yeah, have you eaten?" She asks.

" no not since,this morning. " I reply.

" Okay, Chinese or Pizza?" She asks.

" Chinese. Thanks for bringing food also. I'll pay you back when you get here" I reply.

" your not paying me back. Skye, I have money its fine" she replies.

" okay fine see you soon" I reply.

" bye" she says and hangs up.

I sit up and call Jay but, he doesn't answer. I try again and he answers.

" Hello?" He yells.

" don't hello me. You left without saying a fricken word. What a jerk move. Where the hell are you?" I ask.

" Babe come on " I hear a girl say.

" you know what I don't want to know. Don't bother coming home your stuff will be outside and you can go live with that girl" I reply and hang up.

Honestly, I'm done with him. This was the last straw.

I hear keys and Footsteps. Maci, then comes in and smiles.

" do you need help downstairs?" She asks.

" no I got it. " I reply and get up.

We, walk downstairs and I feel sick.

We, sit down and eat.

" mom, where's daddy?" Stacie asks.

" uh daddy won't be back for awhile" I reply.

" Why what happened" Maci asks.

" Oh um, long story short when he left he was cheating on me so, I told him his stuff will be outside and that he can go live with her" I reply.

" you need someone better then him Skye. He, has hurt you so much. I can't believe you went back to him after, he hit you. " she says.

" Yeah, I know but, it was an accident" I reply.

" Accident or not if someone hits you its not right" she replies.

" yeah, I know.... I don't care though. I mean I'm gonna have to see him on Christmas day. Its not right to the kids and then we have to go to mom and dads plus, Jesse will be there for Melanie" I reply.

( 1 hour later. 8:00 P.M)

My water just broke which is amazing. We, get the kids into the car and then we get in.

We, get to the hospital and I get checked in and changed. They, hook me up and everything. Maci, then hands me Jayde and I play with her and make funny faces making her laugh. I stick my tongue out at her and she does it back.

" has she ever done that before?" I ask.

" a couple of times but, hardly ever. I mean she's eight months and hardly ever laughs at us" Maci replies.

( December 24th 3:06 A.M)

I just had Melanie. I've been in labour for almost 2 days. Maci, stayed the whole time along with Amanda.

I'm holding Melanie right now and she's so cute.

Melanie Grace Evans Allen born December 24th at 3:00 A.M. Three pounds five ounces.

Jesse then comes in and smiles.

" hey" he says walking over looking at Melanie.

" Hey" I reply.

" can I?" He asks.

" yeah of course " I reply and hand him Melanie.

" when do you guys get to go home?" He asks.

" Later today sometime. Where's Katie?" I ask.

" She's at work. Where's Jay?" He asks.
" I don't know and I honestly don't care. " I reply.

" what happened?" He asks.

" he cheated on me. No big deal he's done it before. " I reply.

" oh I'm sorry" he says.

" don't be. Honestly, its for the best. I get the house and the kids. But, he can come see them whenever he wants and he gets them every other weekend. Just, like how you get Melanie on the weekends plus, we can do holidays together and do parks and stuff, and you get her when I'm at work" I reply.

" yeah, so Katie and I are getting married in February. We, were hoping that the girls can be in the wedding and she wants you to be her maid of honor" he replies.

" um, I'll think about the maid of honor thing but, of course the girls can" I reply.

Just seeing him with Melanie makes me happy. There's nothing but, pure love in his eyes. I think I'm falling for him even more.

( at home around 1:00 P.M)

Jesse, drove us home. My parents weren't there. We, will see them tomorrow though which is good. I take Melanie upstairs and lay her down. I then get into bed and rest my eyes.

Maci, took the kids out for lunch and then shopping.


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