Chapter 7

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Skylar's POV

I wake up and throw my hair in a messy bun. I go downstairs and start making breakfast.

" Mommy?" Stacie says.

" Yeah?" I ask.

" Can we go to Aunt Maci's and see the new baby?" She ask.

" Uh yeah sure. I'll call her and ask okay?" I reply.

" Okay" she replies and Jay comes downstairs.

" good Morning Stacie, good Morning Beautiful" he says kissing my cheek.

" Morning" I reply.

" Just so you know I've decided to pretend that the baby is mine" he says.

" Okay" I reply and go upstairs. I shower and then I get dressed in sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt. I throw my hair in another messy bun and go downstairs.

" Babe!" I yell.

" Yeah?" He says.

" did you dress Stacie?" I ask.

" no you did" he replies coming into the living room where Stacie is watching Scooby doo.

"No, I didn't I just came downstairs from getting ready. I'm taking her to Maci's. " I reply.

" Mommy, I dressed myself " Stacie says.

" Oh! Stacie! That's amazing!" I say and hug her.

" did I do a good job?" She asks.

" yeah, you dress yourself better then when your dad dresses you" I reply and Jay raises his eyebrow.

" hey! I'm right here you know" he says.

" about four months ago you dressed her in all orange and then the next day you put her in purple pants and a orange shirt. Don't even get me started" I reply.

" When I was in all orange I looked like a clown" Stacie says and I laugh.

" yeah, I know. But, daddy has gotten better" I reply.

" Yup" she says.

" See you later Jay!" I say.

" Yup! See ya later " he says and I grab our stuff and walk to my car.

I put her in and buckle her up. I then call Maci.

" Hello?" She says.

" Hey Maci, its Skylar." I reply.

" Oh hey Skye. What's up?" She asks.

" Can I bring Stacy by to see you and the kids?" I ask.

" yeah, Bentley would love to see Stacie and so would I " she replies.

" Okay great, see you soon" I reply.

I go to drive through at Star bucks. I get a vanilla bean latte and Stacie gets hot chocolate.

I drive to Maci's house and park. I get Stacie out and we knock.

She, let's us in and we go and sit down.

" Auntie Skye!" Bentley yells and hugs me.

" Hey Buddy. How are you?" I reply.

" Good, when does the baby come?" He asks.

" seven months buddy. " I reply.

" Can I come with you to the doctors?" He asks.

" Of course you can, if its okay with your mom" I reply.

" of course, Bentley why don't you go play outside with Stacie" Maci says.

" Okay" he says and goes and plays.

" can I hold her?" I ask.

" Yeah sure" she replies handing me Jayde.

" So, are you and Taylor getting married yet?" I ask.

" No, not yet he hasn't proposed yet" she replies.

" oh, well Bentley is 7 so, maybe Bentley will be involved in the proposal " I reply.

"Yeah that would be cool" she replies.

" she's beautiful Maci" I reply.

" Thanks Skye. Do you want a boy or girl?" She asks.

" I don't know. I mean as long as the baby is happy I'm happy" I reply.

" Yeah, so your brother gets Bentley on weekends but, I was wondering if you would like to get him sometime. I want him to be around you more" she replies.

" Yeah sure I would love to be with him more often"I reply.

" Hey Skylar!" Taylor says.

" Hey! How are you?" I ask

" good and you?" He says.

" I'm good" I reply.

We, talk for a little bit more and then I leave with Stacie and Bentley. I'm getting him for a few days.

Thoughts? On top is Maci's family.

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