Chapter 16

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( Christmas Day part 2)

Skylar's POV ( the kids are wearing the outfits from the last chapter)

I got the kids up at about eleven a clock. It wasn't easy since, Melanie cried all night and morning. I'm living off of an hour sleep right now. I just hope I don't snap if someone pisses me off. I got the kids money and toys plus, some clothes. I mean they have their walk in closets full of clothes plus, dresses.

Jesse and Katie left about an hour ago.
I put Melanie in her car seat and I cover in a blanket since, its cold outside. I put a hat and mittens on her along with socks. I take her outside and put her in. Stacie and Mary come outside and I pick Mary up. I put her in the car and Stacie gets in.

I lock up the house and we leave.

I go to star bucks and get a vanilla bean well, actually I bought two. I'm gonna need as much as I can get.

I leave and go to my parents house.

I pull up and Stacie goes and gets Jesse.

Jesse comes out and takes Melanie. I pick up Mary. We, take them inside and Katie takes Melanie.

" keep an eye on her. Don't let anyone hold her until I come back " I tell Katie and she nods.

Jesse and I go back out and get as many presents as we can and go back inside. We, end up making four trips.

We, go inside and I take Melanie. Its her feeding time so, I take out a bottle and feed her.

" Can I try?" Monica asks.

" Feed her?" I ask.

" yeah" she replies.

" uh yeah sure" I reply and out Melanie in Monica's Hands. I show her how to hold her and then I hand her the bottle.

" Skye, is she okay to take in public?" My mom asks.

" yeah, I guess why?" I ask.

" we, wanna go out to eat" she replies.

" yeah that's fine I guess" I reply.

" come on kids let's open presents" my dad says and the girls go to the huge box.

They open it and find six animals.

" What's this?" I ask.

" their three new cats and three new Dogs" my dad says.

" are you going to take the dogs out every time they need to go out?" I ask.

" Skylar you have three kids you'll be fine and they can help" he says and I give him a look.

Everyone else opens their gifts and basically, all they got from we was $500 dollars each.

The kids open more presents and we all leave to Denny's.

( at Denny's)

I get the car seat out and Jesse takes Melanie. I take Mary and Monica, has Stacie.

We, all go inside and sit down after, they put tables together.

Jesse, takes Melanie out of the car seat and holds her while I hold Mary.

Jay, then shows up.

" who invited him?" I ask.

" I did" Ryan says.

" this is my time with the girls. He, gets them after here dummy" I reply.

" Skye" Jay says and touches my shoulder and I brush him off.

" if you want the kids now take them or I'll leave. I don't even want to look at you right now. " I reply.

" it was nothing Skylar" he says.

" yeah okay call it nothing Jay. That's good for your next relationship. There's a meeting with James tomorrow but, honestly I think you should keep the girls tomorrow so, I can do this on my own" I reply.

" who's James?" My mom asks.

" no one that you need to worry about" I reply and take Melanie from Jesse. I take her outside and I sit on the bench to calm down.

" Hey" some guy says walking up to me.

" Do I know you?" I ask.

" no, but your pretty and I was0 wondering if you wanted to go out sometime" he replies.

" oh um sorry but, I just got out of a bad relationship " I reply.

" oh okay.... Well give me a call if you ever wanna go out" he replies.

" yeah okay sure" I reply and he hands me his number.

I take Melanie inside and my mom takes her.

" I'm going to take the girls now. " Jay says and Picks Mary up.

" damn, can't I say bye to my kids first" I reply and take her. .

" I love you baby girl. I'll see you in a few days" I say and give her a kiss.

Jay, then goes to pick Stacie up put she tells him no.

" I wanna stay with mommy!" Stacie screams. I get up and take her.

" Stacie, I'll see you in a few days okay?" I reply.

" no mommy I stay with you" she replies.

" you can't baby ... I'll see you in two days okay? Count down the days baby" I reply.

" promise?" She says.

" I promise... I love you Stace"I reply and she goes to Jay crying.

He then leaves with them.

" I'm gonna head home. I need the sleep" I reply and get Melanie ready.

I give everyone a hug and I leave with Melanie.

We, stop by my parents house and I get the animals and all the gifts.

I head home and I open all the doors. I take everything inside along with The animals.

I go and get Melanie and I put her to bed and I go to sleep.


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