Chapter 20

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Skylar's POV

I now have my own YouTube cannel so, today I'm doing a Q&A.

I sit all the kids in the living room and they lay down except I hold Melanie and Jesse holds Mary.

" Hey everyone! Welcome to my page. So, today I'm doing a Q&A like you all asked and you guys sent me questions" I reply.

" okay. First question is for you Skye. Do you still love Jay?" Jesse says.

" Hell no.... That relationship had sunk faster then the Titanic. " I reply.

" okay, how did you end up adopting Mary?" He replies.

" I got a call saying I need to go down there so, I did. I adopted her March 13th which is Stacie's birthday. I didn't want her to go back into the system." I reply.

" when are you getting engaged?" I read from my phone to Jesse.

" well, when the time is right and she's not expecting it. I want it to be special. She deserves it" he replies and I smile.
" is Erica and Jase your biological kids? No they aren't... They are my best friends but, her and her husband died in a car accident last year so, I got custody." I reply.

" are any of the kids related to Jesse. Yes, Melanie is my biological daughter but, either way I feel like all these kids are mine. We, are family no matter what" he replies.

" who's your favorite kid. Ilysm , awe thanks I love you too and I don't really have a favorite. I mean Stacie is nice since, she can help out but, Then again Melanie is my little baby" I reply.

" I would say Jase because, he's the only boy" Jesse says laughing.

" how many times have you been in hand cuffs?.... Well about five times and I only went to jail I think three times out of the five" I reply.

" do you want more kids?" Jesse reads.
" I personally do but, we have been trying for nine months now. You all know how I got into that bad accident and I wasn't wearing my seat belt so, it could have to do with that. I'll probably do a story about how that happened. " I reply.

" I think one or two more. but, if you can't get pregnant we can always adopt" he replies.

" exactly, we would be saving another child like we did Mary. Next questions is where do you guys work? I can't say because, its confidential so I really can't say or else I would. I do go out for as long as I have to until I finish the job. But, I'll be switching to the police force soon. " I reply.

" as for me I already work on the LAPD force. I use to work with Skylar. That's how we met and when we were sent out that's one night we got drunk and we had Melanie. " he replies.

" is it hard to have five kids? Not really when you have help but, I go crazy a lot. I mean I have a six people stroller. Just so, its easier. Plus, with Tamara and Jake in the guest house with their Daughter Quinn. " I reply.

" Do your kids have favorites? I'm not sure let's ask. Stacie who's your favorite Aunt? Aunt Monica or Aunt Courtney?" I ask.

" Aunt Courtney" she replies

" Erica and Jase what about you?" I ask.

" Aunt Monica" they replied.

" Melanie and Mary don't really like going to anyone else besides our parents and Jays. " I reply.

" that's it for today. Hope to talk soon" Jesse says and ends the video and uploads it.

We, then take the kids to the park and get ice cream.


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