27: The Hit-and-Run Driver

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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Riley Matthews

    I tried on calling out Maya's name in attempt for her to wait for me to catch up with her, but she kept on running.

"So much for my first date with Maya...," I thought to myself as I began to chase her.

I had no idea what Maya had meant when she had said, "IT'S THE TRUCK!!!", but I kept on chasing her anyway. That's when I looked up and noticed that Maya was chasing a black Toyota SUV. It had a medium-sized dent next to it's right headlight. I had no idea why she was chasing it. That's when it hit me.

    "Oh. My. God...," Maya gasped.

"What is it?!?!" I asked Maya, giving her a concerned look.

The two of us were now standing outside of the Toys R Us in Times Square.

Maya just stared at the street, baffled. "Th-that was th-the car th-that hit m-me," she managed to stumble out.

My eyes widened. "What?!?!"

Maya whipped around and grabbed me by my shoulders. "That was the car that hit me, Riley! We have to go and follow it!"

"How do you know that it was the one that hit you?"

"Because it had a medium-sized indentation near its right headlight! As soon as I saw it, I flash backed to the day that I was ran over and the car that hit me was the same exact color, brand, and model! Plus, it had the same exact indentation in the same exact spot!"

    "Which car was it?"

    Maya turned around and started to point out towards the busy street. "It's the one right...... It's gone. Hey, where'd it go?"

    "I don't know, Maya. I don't even know what the car looked like."

    Maya turned back around and grabbed onto my shoulders. "It was a black truck, now where'd it go?"

I began to glance around at the busy streets of Times Square. I saw many black trucks, but they were all going too fast for me to be able to tell if they had any dents on them.

"I don't know; I see a lot of black trucks," I finally answered, "What brand of car was it?"

Maya thought for a second. "A Toyota I think. Where the heck did the car go?!?!"

I looked at the streets again. I saw lots of black Toyota trucks, but again, could not find one with a dent. "I don't see a black Toyota truck with a dent. Was it a pick-up truck or a SUV?"

"SUV, now please tell me that you know where it went!" Maya cried as she slightly shook my shoulders.

"This car fits the description of the car that Maya said hit her perfectly!" I thought to myself while still running, snapping myself out of my flashback.

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