15: Time Square

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Chapter Fifteen
Maya Hart

"Alright, open 'em!" I announced as I removed the scarf from Riley's face.

As soon as Riley saw where we were, she gasped. For something fun to do, I decided to take her to Time Square.

"OH MY GOSH, WE'RE IN TIME SQUARE!!!" She cried with glee as she jumped up and down with excitement, "BEST. BREAK FROM DOING A PROJECT. EVER!!!"

I just laughed. "You're welcome!"

"So, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me?"

Riley gave me a puzzled look. "You mean that you didn't have everything planned out?"

I just shrugged. "Hey, I just figured that I'd let you decided what we would do first and plan everything else out as we go since there's so much that we can do here!"

"Yeah, there is a lot to do here! That's why I love it here so much!"

"Hey, I love it here too! So, what do you want to do first?"

Riley thought for a second. A few seconds later, her face had lit up. Her eyes were sparkling and there was a huge smile across her face. Knowing my best friend, I already knew what she wanted to do. I just sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, Riley, even though it's childish, I'll take you there," I gave in.

Riley furrowed her eyebrows. "But, I didn't even say anything yet..."

I just laughed. "Riley, you're my best friend; I know you."

Riley crossed her arms. "Fine. Since you 'know me', then what was I going to say?"

"Alright. Would you like for me to say how you were going to say it too?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Can we go on the ferris wheel in Toys R Us!?!?" I said in the cheeriest tone possible, trying to say it how Riley would say it.

Riley looked at me speechless. "That's exactly what I was going to say— and how I was going to say it too... Wow, Maya, you really do know me!"

"See, told ya! Anyways, you ready to go?"


With that being said, Riley and I interlocked arms and headed off to the Toys R Us in Time Square.

"Wow....," Riley gasped as she gazed up at the ginormous ferris wheel.

The ferris wheel was three stories tall and had baskets that each had their own theme. I cringed. Most of the baskets were very babyish, but I would do anything for Riley. She's my best friend and I love her. And plus, I think that I'll end up having fun.

    All of the sudden, a mother; father; and their two kids, a boy and a girl, walked right through Riley and I. It was now sometime in the morning, which means that the store was bustling with young children and their parents.

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