A/N: Leap Day

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Hey, everyone! Happy Leap Day! Yep, today is February 29th, the day that we get once every four years! Today in science class, I taught my classmates the reason to why we must have Leap Day when my science teacher asked it as a Do Now question. Every year, it takes the earth 365 1/4 days to revolve around the sun once. So by the time four years pass, we have already missed 1 day. And instead of having a day of six hours at the end of each year(which would be quite odd), we have an extra day(Feb 29th) every four years to make up for that day we missed! How cool is that? :)

Anyways, I have no clue when I'll be updating next since this weekend was hectic for me. I was planning on updating over the weekend, but I was busy with homework and other things. Then today I had a lot of homework to do(I'm gonna do some more of it once I'm done writing this). And then I have a vocab test on Wednesday and a Social Studies test on Thursday, so I gotta study for those. On top of that, I'm probably gonna have more homework(which is why I'm trying to get as much as I can done right now). And then on Friday, I have to go to something for my one best friend at 5:00.

So yeah, if I don't update this week(and I apologize if I don't) don't think it's because I have writer's block or have forgotten about my books. Just understand that March-June is always the busiest time of the year for me. I swear I must have like more than 10 huge events coming up soon. Anyways, have a happy Leap Day, everyone! Enjoy it because we only get it once every four years! 😀


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