24: Explaining Again

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Chapter Twenty-Four
Riley Matthews

    "Mom, Dad, Auggie, I know this may freak you out, but it's Riley and Maya," Auggie read out loud as I typed the words onto the word document.

    I just could not stand to see my family confused like this. I had to explain to them what was going on with Maya and I. They are worried sick about us and the fact that we are both in a coma saddens them. I need to tell them that we are alright. While in limbo, you are not able to talk to anyone except for people who are in limbo themselves. I don't care if doing this is breaking the "limbo rules" or whatever. I found a loophole and I am going to use that loophole to communicate with my family.

    Mom, Dad, and Auggie all gasped. All three of them looked confused and spooked at the same time.

    "What? How is that even possible?" Mom asked.

    "Is the computer doing this just to mess with us?" Auggie queried, "Or are Maya and Riley ghosts now, trying to communicate with us?"

    "Honestly, at this point, I don't know which logic is more reasonable," Dad replied.

    "Me neither," Mom agreed.

    "The computer is fine," I typed, "And no, we're not ghosts. Well, we're in a ghostly state, but we're not dead. We're in something called limbo. I know that you're probably all really confused to you, but Maya and I are going to explain everything to you."

    "O-ok, let me t-take a moment to p-process all of this," Mom replied, holding her forehead with her one hand.

    "Riley, I told you that doing this would freak them out!" Maya nagged, "Your mom looks as if she's going to pass out!"

    "I know, but it's the only way!" I cried.

    "Maya and I?" Auggie reiterated, "So the person who is typing right now is my big sister, Riley?"

    "You got that right, Augs!"

    "Augs! That's my nickname! It's really Riley and Maya! It's really them!"

    "A-are you sure th-this isn't some hacker j-just playing with us?" Dad stammered.

    "How would a hacker be able to respond to what we're saying like that?"

    "Well, maybe they can hear us through some sort of speakers...," Mom answered, sounding very unsure.

    "Ok, but how would a hacker know about Riley and Maya?"

    "There's some strange people out there, bud...," Dad replied.

    "Trust me, there's no one trying to hack you!" I wrote, "It's really us, Maya Hart and your daughter, Riley Matthews!"

    "That sounds exactly like what a hacker would say!" Dad exclaimed.

    "Alright, if you're the real Maya and Riley, prove it then," Mom stated.

    "Riley, what's my favorite food? And, Maya, what is my biggest pet peeve?" Dad asked.

    "Any kind of potatoes basically," I responded, "Especially mashed potatoes and tater tots!"

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