11: Explaining

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Chapter Eleven
Riley Matthews

        My mouth literally hung wide open the whole entire time while Maya was explaining everything. I could not believe what I was hearing- well actually, I did believe it; I mean, if what Maya was telling me wasn't true, then how the heck was all of this happening? It's just that it all was so hard to take in all at once!

    "How the heck did you end up falling out of your dream cloud and going into limbo instead of waking up?" I asked once Maya was done explaining everything.

    "I honestly have no clue," Maya sighed, "I just guess that my body is still in a coma and just isn't ready to wake up."

    "Ok, if you weren't ready to wake up, then why didn't you just hit the ground or something in your dream?"

    "I don't know, Riley! I just listened to what Librarian Riley told me and ended up falling out of my dream cloud!"

    "Well, obviously the librarian version of me didn't give you very good advice."

    "No dip!"

    "Alright, so I can see how you went into limbo since your body is in a coma right now, but how the heck did I end up like this?"

    Maya sighed. "I have no idea, Riley. Some how, now that I'm in limbo, I have the power to see people's dream clouds. And, through their dream clouds, I can see what they are dreaming about. You were about to get annihilated by Missy, which made me get upset. So, I tried to punch her through your dream cloud and my hand ended up getting stuck. Before I knew it, I was getting sucked into your dream and was standing on a cliff with you and Missy. So, of course I picked up your light saber and whacked Missy with it. But then when I tried to pick you up, I ended up dropping you and tripping when I tried to catch you. Before I knew it, we were both dangling onto the cliff. And before I knew it, we were both falling out of your dream cloud. And, now we're here!"

    "Wow... But how come we both fell out my dream cloud? I can see why you fell out. I mean, it wan't your dream- it was mine. How come I just didn't wake up?"

    "I don't know. Maybe if I would've been below you, you would've woken up as soon as I left your dream cloud. But maybe since you were below me, you were unable to wake up because there was an intruder in your dream."

    "Oh. But, is that why I've been dreaming of you so much? Have you been visiting me in my sleep every night?"

    "No, I fell out of my dream cloud a few hours ago, which means that when I was in your dream cloud, that was my very first time ever doing something like that."

    "Oh. So how do you suppose we're going to get ourselves out of this?"

    Maya sighed. "Like I said before, Riley, I don't know. I tried to go back into my own body by holding my hand and concentrating really hard, but it didn't work."

    "Did you try anything else?"

    "No. Do you know anything else that we could even try?"

    I thought for a second. "I-I don't. Wow, I can't believe that we're actually stuck like this."

    Maya sniffled. I noticed that her eyes were now watering up.

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