5: Everywhere

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Chapter Five
Riley Matthews

*Start playing "Everywhere" by Michelle Branch. I recommend that you use Spotify so that you can read and listen to music on the same device without having to purchase the song. Sorry if it goes a little too fast for you. I am new to doing this so if it does, then just hit pause and then hit play once you are up to that part.*

    "Good morning, Riley; it's time to get up," Mom softly whispered in my ear.

    "Ok, I'll be out in a second," I mumbled, still half-asleep.

    "Ok, honey."

    My mom gently kissed my forehead before leaving my bedroom. A minute later, I yawned and stretched. I rubbed my eyes, then fluttered them open.

    Turn it inside out so I can see

    I groaned.

    "Another school day without Maya," I thought to myself, "And how many days would this be without her? She's been in the hospital for so long that I lost track!"

    And when I wake you're, you're never there

    For what seems like the one-hundredth night in-a-row, I had another dream about Maya last night.

    But when I sleep you're, you're everywhere

    In my dream, I went to the hospital to find out that Maya had finally waken up.

    You're everywhere

    I then sighed and rolled out of bed. I quickly got ready and once again, headed off to school without Maya.

I sighed as I stared down at my desk. I was now in my father's History class.

"Are you ok, Riley?" Farkle asked me, giving me a knowing look.

"Yeah, you ok?" Lucas chimed in, seeming concerned.

"I'm fine," I lied.

Ever since Maya went into a coma, I started hanging out with Farkle and Lucas more and more. I became even closer to them than I was before. Maya has been in the hospital for exactly three months, which means that she missed my fourteenth birthday.

Just tell me how I got this far

I looked over at the desk to the left of me; Maya's desk. Like it has been for the past three months, it was empty. I sighed again.

'Cause every time I look
You're never there

I closed started to daydream about all of the good times that Maya and I had together. Since we have been best friends for so long and have had so many adventures, there were too many to count. The first memory that popped into my mind was the day that we had met.

'Cause you're everywhere to me

I closed my eyes and began to relive everything.

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