4: The Flashback of the Accident

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Chapter Four
Maya Hart

"Swoosh!" The automatic doors went as someone walked in. I was now standing in line at the register at the store that my mom told me to go to with the stuff that she told me that she needed in my arms. Out of curiosity, I turned around to see who it was. Great. Just great! Of course, it had to be no other than my father, Kermit! I quickly turned back around and tried to blend in with the other people in line. Not that we have any issues between us or anything, it's just that I still haven't forgiven him for abandoning Mom and I several years ago. He has tried to apologize to me multiple times, but I refuse to speak to him.

Before I knew it, I was next in line.

"Next?" The guy that the cash register called out.

I immediately walked up to the counter and placed all of my items down, which was a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of conditioner, toothpaste, and a pack of five toothbrushes. We were running low on shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste and since my mom was to busy to get them, she made me do it. She didn't ask my father because she knew that he would just start arguing. I decided to get the toothbrushes because I thought that we could use them and plus, they were on sale!

The cashier began to ring up all of my items and placing them into a white, plastic bag.

"Alright, that'll be $16.57," the cashier announced as soon as he was done.

"Ok," I replied as I pulled my wallet out.

My stomach dropped. All my mom had given me was a ten dollar bill and a five dollar bill. I was short one dollar and fifty-seven cents.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have enough...," I apologized, not knowing what to do.

"Do you have a coupon?"

"If I do have one, then my mom has it. She is usually the one who shops here, but she's busy today..."

"How much do you have?"

"Fifteen dollars. I'm $1.57 short."

The cashier sighed. "I'm sorry, miss, but you're going to have to put one item back. If you were only short a couple of cents, then I could let you slide. But since you're short a dollar fifty-seven, I can't."

"I-I guess I'll put back the..."

I started to drift off. I knew that I should put back the toothbrushes, but we really do need them! All of our toothbrushes at home are worn out and old!

"Don't worry; I got you," I heard someone from behind me announce as they placed a dollar bill, two quarters, a nickel, and two pennies down on the counter.

I turned around to be greeted by my father. He gave me a friendly smile then out a hand on my shoulder.

"After all, I am this girl's father, you know," he told the cashier.

"Thank you, sir!" The cashier thanked him as he took the money and put in it his cash register.

I took out the ten and five dollar bills that were in my wallet and handed them to the cashier. As soon as he was done putting all of the money in the register, the cashier handed me my bag. I turned back around and looked at my father like I didn't know what to do with him. Half of me wanted to thank him, but the other half wanted to start yelling at him. At first, he completely abandoned me, and now he's helping me pay for my stuff at the cash register? What, does he think that he can just act all nice and just assume that I'll forgive him? No way, Jose! However, what he did was a very nice gesture. If he didn't do that, then I would've had to put the toothbrushes back. Ugh, I'm so confused! I don't know what to do!

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