Chapter 22 And Baby Makes Three

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Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

Picture at Right is a Solstice Poem >>>>>

 It is finally December the Henderson residence is all decorated for Christmas and all their shopping is done for everyone Amanda's baby bump is so large now she looks like she could burs at any minute now she is having problem getting up and walking around and doing simple thing she is so frustrated she just wants this baby out and wants it out NOW. She has just 11 days till her due date the 21st of December and she is anxious and nervous all in one having never had a baby before not knowing what to expect even though they have finished up the Lamaze classes at the hospital, she is still a little scared.

Ted has been a saving grace for her waiting on her hand and foot since her bad experience at Halloween, she wants for nothing and only has to ask once and gets everything Ted loves her so much she can do no wrong in his book.

Ted has everything set to go a suitcase is all ready packed and is in the trunk of his car with everything she could need for her stay at the hospital Amanda picked it all out in advance so there would be no mistakes what she would want, and one less thing to think about when the day came to rush out to the hospital even the GPS was programmed and saved in advance so with one push of a button Ted could get directions and not have to think of how to get there just drive, he is not good under stress Amanda noticed.

Amanda, Tammy, and Kaley went out food shopping the other day to stock up the freezer and fridge with all kinds of food to last a month maybe more and also bought baby food to stock the pantry with but no need for formula because Amanda was planning on breastfeeding her baby girl right off from the start, it is the Musgrove way so it is her way also.

Tammy is in her last week of classes at college she is testing all week, then she is off till after the first of the year so she can stay home and help Amanda and daddy with the new baby girl. Tammy is so excited, all she ever talks about is being an auntie Auntie Tammy or ant T she likes that.

Now when Amanda goes in to have the baby Tammy is going to be there to take the pictures of the birth, then she will take baby pictures for a school project it is extra credit like she needs it, being a straight A student on the presidents list. So this project is going toward extra credit for her BA in Fine Arts photography.

The 19th of December comes Amanda starts with occasional cramping the baby is moving down low putting a lot of pressure on her lower abdomen causing her to spend quite a bit of time in the bathroom peeing and swearing it is never ending, the baby is so large now it is just about time for her to have it, any day now you can tell how impatient she is just by looking at her.

On the night of December 20th Amanda wakes Ted up from a sound sleep with a small scream seems her water broke when she got up to go pee for the hundredth time tonight, Ted jumped out of bed got dressed quick helped Amanda change into a dry night gown then walked her down stairs to get their coats then helped her into her coat and as they passed Tammy's room he knocked on her door waking her up also, telling her they were heading to the hospital it was time for the big show grab your camera meet us at the car hustle.

Tammy sat in the back seat with Amanda cradling her head as she laid down trying to make her comfortable as Ted drove through the streets of the town toward the hospital trying to get there taking care not to hit any bumps in the road so as not to jostle Amanda around to cause her anymore pain than she is all ready in.

They pull up to the emergency room in record time and as they do a stretcher with a nurse meet them at the door for her to get up on and they wheel her back into a room while Ted parks the car then joins them there. He bring in her suitcase that was placed in his trunk for this time. Tammy is helping her out of her nightgown into a a hospital gown so they can check her out it, the doctor come in checks her out they take her up to the delivery wing. “She is dilated just a little bit the baby is coming it should be by tomorrow morning” The doctor said.

Amanda went through contractions all night then most of the morning she tiring out fast now, it is 13 hours and counting this baby just doesn’t want out, The doctor decides to help induce her. Three hours later one healthy happy screaming baby girl is born. Waaaaaaa!

She looks just like Amanda, same curly red hair green eyes, has her mothers lungs even, pretty as a picture ten finger ten toes, button nose oh so pink they love her so. Now you want to talk proud parents they make a peacock look dull.

Tammy did take her pictures for her extra credit, she took about a hundred maybe two, she is making the baby her own website when they get home as soon as they name her ?

“Name? …... What's the baby's name?”

“Marie Annabelle Henderson” They decided on Marie after Amanda's middle name, Anna after Amanda's best friend Annabelle and of course Henderson because she is a proud Henderson.

They say that December 21th 2012 is the end of the Mayan calendar so say it is the beginning of Armageddon the end of times life as we know it ends tonight, this is known as a spiritual night something magical a total alignment of the planets to the center of our galaxy something not seen in over 3600 years, but in realty the world won't end tonight the sky won't fall, there are no little green men, and the earth won't stop spinning, the only magical thing that happened tonight was the birth of one absolutely beautiful baby girl to Amanda & Ted Henderson and their daughter TammyLee Her official name was to be Miss Marie Annabelle Henderson born at 11:00 PM 12, 21,2012 weighing in at 9 lb. 11 oz with red hair and green eyes now that was a true miracle.

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