Chapter 10A The Mind of a Sicko

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 Lost at Love By: LadyDawn


 WARNING: Adult themed in nature. If violence and abuse bother you as much as they do me! I am 150% against violence against women! Please skip to the next chapter, you won't miss much, this is just for character reasoning, I had to write t his so as to better understand Samuel's mentality, how and why he did what he did. This being so difficult in writing the mind of a male by a female.

Sorry it had to be told.


 Picture to Right is Samuel Delmont The Kidnapper >>>>>

{Here she comes that bitch, how dare she have me locked up for trying to talk to her? I will teach her a lesson she will never forget! No one messes with Samuel Delmont, Especially not some better than thou bitch. I am going to hide behind these bushes when she gets out and opens the back door I will rush in after her and give he a piece on my mind then maybe smack her around a bit then leave her there to think about what she did to me.} Samuel thinking and plotting.

{OK here I go} Not thinking straight. [running toward the back door, smashing through it]...”SCREAM” From Amanda...[CRASH]...”Hey bitch” [slap]...”ooowwww...crying” More Amanda.....”Please don't hit me again” Pleading Amanda...Slap slap....”P-please..N-n-no O-o...more—eeee” Screaming Amanda. Slam.... [crash into the desk knocking the phone off the desk scattering all the paperwork everywhere]....{Passing out from the pain}...

{Shit I took that too far, she looks dead I better check on her, but how? I remember then checking somewhere on the neck let me see, no nothing here, nope nothing, wait yes I feel something........ there it is.... yes she is still alive good...[looking around]...Damn what a mess where are her keys I need to get out of here!} Samuel thinking again worried this time.....”Help me...someone help me”...A weak voice can be heard....{shit I can't leave her here like this, and I can't call the cops either they will know it was me, damn it I better take her with me, fix her up then release her later} Samuel thinking again....”Come on girlie get your ass up. Where are your keys, WHERE ARE YOU KEYS BITCH!” Samuel shouts at Amanda.

Her reply weakly. “In my p-purse.” [Dropping her back to the floor]...”O-o Ouch”...{I found them now to grab the bitch and drag her out the the car and get the hell out of here} I have to stop talking to myself. “Come on bitch get up you are coming with me.” [Scratching his face and arm]... [slap].... “Don't do that again you bitch I will kill if you try that again!... Now get your ass up and move you are coming with me!..... You try anything and I will F***en mess you up, do you understand me? [no response] do you understand me?” samuel shouting wildly at her. [weakly shaking her deranged red hair slightly up and down]... “Good now get your ass moving!” Pulling Amanda up by the arm and leading her out the door toward her car.

I slumped down in the passenger seat, barley able to keep my eyes open or see, then he got into the drivers seat and we sped away to god only know where....{I passed out}....we drove for hours it seemed maybe more maybe less. I woke up being dragged down a flight of stairs then was hit about the head {lights out again}..............Waking up chained to a bed....My head is swimming, it hurts so bad, the pain in my back is excruciating and I’m feeling so bad. I reach to my neck only to find, a wide collar and chain attached, that leads to the wall behind the bed. My shoes are gone I am still dressed, there is blood every where I feel my forehead is cut and bleeding as is my lip, Looking around the room I see a small fridge by the bed, a dirty little table with one chair, a toilet with no seat in the corner, and no windows with just one staircase out. wrenching from the smell I throw up in the toilet; then fall back to the bed in pain....{What have I done to warrant such torture from anyone? So inhumane!}.I am thinking

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