Chapter 3 The Search for The Mystery Lover Continues

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 Lost at Love By: LadyDawn 

The Picture at Right is Tanya >>>>>

 Amanda is home in bed Saturday night after an overnight hospital stay with 3 visitors. Annabelle, Tanya, and Rosanna. They have come to see how she is doing after the fright Amanda gave the three. She is dressed in the most lovely lavender Victorian sleeping gown, with delicate flower on a white background and long sleeves.

“Sweetie you look wonderful, how do ya feel now that y'all are home?” Anna asks. I” am feeling much better now that I am here you know how much I dislike hospitals, they scare me to death, I never want to go back to that place again!” Amanda said. “What did the doctor say was the problem hon?” Rosanne asked. “He told me I am having two problems one is my blood pressure which goes rock bottom when I get stressed out and he gave me a prescription for it and something to keep me from being stressed out, he said that I am having panic attacks too. The medications make me sleepy all the time I don't like them.” Amanda told them all. They changed the subject. “Amanda I really love that night gown you are wearing!“ Tanya said. “I do also I have about 6 of them look over there in the armoire, you will love them too.” Annabelle opens the armoire and exclaims “OMG Arizona I didn't know ya had so many southern bell dresses! Ya really do live up to ya part don't ya hon. Giggle.” She said. “Well you know little old me Anna I do love my clothes, and I am a true Southern Bell I get it naturally.” Amanda said giggling. Anna pulls out a pretty blue number holds it up to her and spins around and we all laugh at her, I start to laugh out loud. “Anna you are just too funny. That would look great on you would you like me to order you one?” She stops spinning on the spot and stares at me with her mouth open, so I ask again. “Do you want one?” She just nods her head up and down without a sound, I say “Done” And she starts to cry. “Don't cry sweetie it is the least I can do for you for all the things you do for me, it is a pleasure seeing as you work for me and I will get to see it on you there.” She just says. “Thank ya” While wiping a tear away.

I think {it isn't like I can't afford to purchase a dress for my best friend in the world for helping me, heck I would buy her a dozen of them if she asked me to I wouldn't know what to do without her.}

“Anna will you open for me on Monday morning I will be in a bit late that day?” I ask. “Sure I will honey no problem.” Anna says. “I will be seeing my doctor that day, then I will be in around noontime to help you out.” “Why don't you take the day off and I will help her out.” Tanya says. “No that is OK Tanya but thank you so much dear. I really will want to get out of this bedroom and house come Monday” I tell them, looking around at them with a frown on my face. “We can understand that.” They all agree. “Well we are going to head out now and let you get some rest” They all say. Anna adds “I will be here tomorrow about 10 AM to take ya to church then bring ya back home. If ya like maybe we can do some shopping if ya feel up to it too. Let me know.” Anna says. “OK. Sounds great to me see you then sweetie Love y'all, give me kisses.” I say. “Kisses to y'all bye and thanks for visiting with me.” I say to them all.

Monday morning comes Amanda heads to one of two doctors appointments, first her family doctor for a check up and blood work then to a shrink the hospital suggested for her. “Hello I have an appointment to see the Doctor at 10 AM I am Amanda Musgrove I was referred he by the hospital Friday night.“ “Yes I have you here, have a seat it will just be a minute“ The receptionist says. “OK. I pull out my Blackberry to text Anna to tell her I will be in about noon time. “Ms. Musgrove the doctor will see you now right through that door if you will.” The receptionist said. “Thank you” I was my reply. {god I don't want to be here I have butterflies in my stomach} “Hello Amanda I am Doctor Laura nice to meet you.“ The doctor said. “Nice to meet you also” I said back to her. “Please have a seat and we will just have a chat.“ The doctor said. My palms started sweating, I started rubbing them together as I sat down then held them together in my lap looking all around the office but not making eye contact. “Amanda are you feeling nervous being here hon? We are just going to chat for a little while nothing more. There is nothing to fear in here I don't make judgments I am here to help you understand why you are having a problem with panic attacks and with passing out.“ She said. “So you know about me passing out? How did you find out about that I asked her?“

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