Chapter 10 Amanda's POV

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  • Dedicado a To all my fans and readers I love you all.

Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

 This is sexy little old me Amanda >>>>>

 They have me here in this dark dingy cellar, hell I never knew there were cellars in the south, let alone cellars with toilets in them! Hum interesting. Well on with my story. Here I am stuck down here telling you my side of this story. You are staring at me from the other side of that monitor, phone, or tablet with your mouth hanging open wondering is Amanda talking to me? Well I am not talking to myself here buster or ma'am! I'm not nuts yet, though you would expect me to be under the circumstances that I have been under right. Damn the things that LadyDawn thinks up to put me through.... I do hope she comes up with a good love scene for me and Ted though; he is so HOT DAMN... (Make me so wet inside.) Quit that Dawn [Grinning] Oh you think that is funny do you. [yes I do!].... Just let me tell my side of this story will you....[OK- Go on].... So where was I? Hum.... Oh yes, my writer has me stuck in this dingy cellar and I am waiting to get resqued.... Hey learn to type will you! [Sorry] You should be! and I was wondering if you could do me a favor down here, seeing as it is taking forever for someon to find me. Would you quit those mistakes! [oops my bad]....Hum here is what I would like you to do for me. I am so bored silly with nothing to do but look at these dirty four walls. Hell you should se the. Zap! [OUCH] do it again see what happens to you Dawn! [Sorry won't happen again] ok. The floor here is filthy yuck. So if you could just maybe look over to you left there, move the mouse yes a little higher click the Vote, now a little lower click the Like, maybe a tweet would be good also, good how about becoming a Fan so you can get that crazy woman's updates writing this story, one last thing would you mind maybe commenting way down there at the bottome of the page? ZZZAP [OUCH Stop that! DAMN!].....[Click, Edit, Select All, Finger over Delete key, care to do that again Amanda? LadyDawn asks.] No Sorry. [Cancel] So as I was saying please vote for me so I can get this story in the Watty Awards in the Romance section. I would really like it to do good..... I don't want to have to come back here again and knock on your screen and beg you for votes again. Remember I can ZAP you just like I did to that LadyDawn writer person too.[quit lying Amanda]..... Sorry I was just kidding really I was. [That better]... <G> touchy much Dawn? OK then thank you so much for your time and enjoy the story. Ms Lady Dawn would you please take these fine people back to the real Chapter 9. [Why yes Amanda I will]

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