Chapter 7 Little Red Riding Hood Meets The Big bad Wolf

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Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

 Picture at Right is Southern Trinket Shop >>>>>

 [Knock Knock Knock]...[door opens] “Hello momma where are they, how is she doing?” They all ask. “Good evening girls, Ted went to the truck stop this morning to go back to work, Amanda is asleep on the couch still where she has been since she came in. Would y'all wake her for me please?” “Sure will.” They all say in unison. “Staying for dinner tonight?” “Yes Ma'am” They all say. “Amanda sweetie, heeeey Amanda, [shake shake] can you hear me Amanda? “Tanya tried. “Amanda honey it's Annabelle wake up it's time to eat hon. There you go, come on honey time to wake up ya been a sleeping all day.” [Amanda opening one eye a crack] “Hi there sleepy head.” Anna said. Giggle. “Hi yourself, um hum what are you doing here who's at the shop?” Amanda asks groggy ...“The shop is closed honey it's 5 PM. We came over to check on ya.” Anna said. “Who else is here Ted?” She asked. “No honey Ted had to go back to work. It is just me, Tanya and Rosanne. We came straight from the shop after making the daily bank deposit. I left the receipt on your desk for ya” “Why thank you sweetie, and thank y'all for filling in for me today I don't remember it all but I guess I needed the rest.” “Girls come eat.” Momma called out. “Coming Momma” we all called back.

“Hi sweetie nice to see you up again, feeling better I hope?” Momma said at the table. “Yes momma I am thank you. When did Ted leave momma?” Amanda asked. “Right after you went to go lay down sweetie. He called a cab to pick him up then left right away.”.... “Was he mad at me for being so messed up today?” Amanda wanted to know. “Girl that boy is so infatuated with you; you could do no wrong in his eyes. He was just so worried about you, he even gave me his cell phone number to call him with your condition if you get worse, he would come right back.”...“That boy is in love with ya Amanda girl.” Annabelle said. “We agree!” {blushing} “No way, he just likes me; he isn't in love with me!” {he can't be in love with me, can he?}...{with me?} “Oh My!”...”Amanda your not eating sweetie.” “I... I m...n not hungry momma, may I be excused please?” ...[sliding chair back then running up the stairs crying].... “What am I going to do with that girl?” Momma said. “We will try to help her, try to get her to see the doctor. She is just under too much stress, poor thing”..... Annabelle said with a heavy sigh.

“Good morning momma “Annabelle called out as she came in the front door. “Well good morning dear you're hear early.” Was Momma reply. “Yes momma I am going with Amanda to see her doctor this morning so we can have a good talk.” “Can you let me know what she says?” Momma Asks. “If the doctor let's me I will momma.” “OK sweetie thank you”

“Amanda! Annabelle is here for you!”............ “YES Momma I'll be right down”....

“How has she been at work the last three days Anna?” Momma asked. “She has been doing really good actually, like nothing has happened at all. She is acting all happy and care free just like before. This is not normal after all she has been through lately. I did talk her into letting me make an appointment for her with the doctor today so I could go with her.” Ana said. “You are a really good friend to her Annabelle dear.”

“What are you two talking about behind my back?” Giggle “Who us? Nothing just you!.”..[With a big smile on her face]...”What else would we be talking about”. Giggle.... Anna said. “Y'all finish breakfast then we can head out.” Momma said. “Oh all right rush me why don't you..... <G>”

“Amanda, Annabelle. The doctor will see you now, you can go right in.” The receptionist said. “Thank you.” we replied. “Hello Amanda. Hi Annabelle I am Doctor Laura, nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet ya also” Anna said shaking her hand. “My secretary left me a note you wanted to talk to me with Amanda, Annabelle is that true?” “Yes Doctor Laura, and please call me Anna.” “OK Anna what is it you would like to talk to me about?” “Well Amanda here is my best friend, my boss, and my life long companion. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her! I am very concerned for her mental health right now with all that has gone on in her life, especially with this last incident at the club this past Friday night.” Anna explained. “Can you elaborate on the incident at the club for me please?” “Yes the guy that has been stocking her with the letters at our shop in town, he was there that night and assaulted her. The bartender dropped him saving Amanda and he was arrested, Amanda blacked out again and I landed on top of her, so as to protect her from any harm till it was over. Then we had to call the ambulance for her so they could revive her.” Anna told the story again.

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