Chapter 1 Savannah Georgia

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Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

 Hello everyone this is Amanda Musgrove and I am the lead character in this here story the one you are about to read. I am taking this time to let you know that I won't be letting my writer be begging you for votes, Likes, Tweets, +1, Fans, or Comments, like all the other authors do for all there stories on Wattpad. Here is my deal, if you like my story, you know the drill, do for me not for her she is just my writer. I will only ask you three times throughout the whole story so don't forget me.

Amanda Musgrove

The Picture to Right is Amanda >>>>>

“Amanda darling wake up it is time to get up for work, you know you have to open up the store today.” Momma said. “But I want to sleep a bit more momma please.” Amanda replied. “My goodness girl you would think you were thirteen instead of thirty four for goodness sake, now you get out of this here bed and get down to that there kitchen for your breakfast.” Was mommas reply. “Yessum momma”.... I know I have to get up and get ready for work, but it is so comfy here under this blanket, not thinking about that jerk and everything that he did me wrong.....I hate my life....{Amanda thinking}

“Momma I am off to work now I will talk to you later tonight love you” Amanda Said walking out the front door. “Later sweetie.”Her momma said right back to her.

I have so much work to do today with all that new inventory that just came in yesterday afternoon that we didn't get around to putting away. I wish Anna was coming in early this morning to help me too bad she has the morning off I guess it is all up to me....

Coffee made....check, pastries put out....check, music on....check, cash drawer counted out....check, doors, now 6 boxes to unload, count, checkoff, and stack on shelves. Let me see I have 1 hour till I have to open up my store can I get it all done by then? I better get my keister in gear.

One hour and fifteen minutes later Amanda AKA Arizona was finished with all the inventory, sitting down sipping a cup of coffee from her favorite cup; and listening to some nice soft music, waiting for the first customer of the day to walk in the door.

The atmosphere of the shop is 1900's Old Southern Bells, with Amanda and Annabelle dressed in beautiful southern bell dresses, looking like they just stepped out of the 1940's, with Amanda in blue and white, and Anna in purple and white, they were just the prettiest thing to see.

Annabelle asked for the morning off so she could go visit Jake to bring him back his things, seems they had another fight this weekend and she hates him again and wants all his thing out of her house again for the hundredth time. She is just so cute when she is mad. If all goes as usual Jake will have most of his things back in her apartment again by the weekend for the makeup sex. Monday through Friday she can go without a man in her bed, but the weekends no way, it is like a drug to her brain. The argument is always the same Jake wants to spend the night Anna won't let him they argue she gets mad he leaves she takes his things back. So life goes between them.

Back at the Southern Trinket Shop that Amanda owns, Anna walks in... in a huff with her long brown hair...tied into two pony tails slapping her face as she shakes her head from side to side, screaming “MEN”, while Arizona shakes her head and laughs.

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