Chapter 5 Country Fried Chicken & Another Day in Paradise

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Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

 Picture to Right is Ted >>>>>

 “Hey Anna how was your long weekend off with Jake? Where did you two go?“ “Oooo!... Amanda it was great we went to Disney in Orlando, FL for the weekend, and we just returned last night. It was so romantic, that motel we had was so dreamy, Mmm! I had so much fun, and the food was delicious, not something I could eat every day though, too fattening.” Anna said dreamy eyed. “Like you would ever show fat on your bones girl!” Giggle.

“How was it here without me? Did you miss me much?” “Of course I missed you a whole bunch you know that sweetie, I can't live without you helping me, it was quiet and lonely without you here.” I said and meant it. “Awe how sweet of ya to say that thanks I Love You Too Honey” Anna said. “Anna come here and give me a big hug!” I said

“How did it go yesterday with Tanya helping ya out here at the shop? Was it busy?” No actually we had a really good day, I was able to get all the new stock counted and put away, the coffee made, and fresh pastries put out, and even picked up the mail and paid the bills before she arrived.” I said. “PICKED UP THE MAIL? YOU PICKED UP THE MAIL?” Yes why it is my shop! I always used to pick it up, before you started flirting with the mailman.” “Was there anything in there oh never mind” Anna started to say but stopped. “Annabelle what are you getting at? What am I supposed to be getting in the mail? Wait what am I not supposed to be getting in the mail? MORE LETTERS? Have you been keeping them from me? Annabelle Answer Me!”

“Mmm Umm....... Well honey”....”Don't Honey me cough it up!” I Yell at her. “The police have been collecting them each week from me and umm well umm.... They think someone is stocking you,” She timidity says. “They WHAT? How long has this been going on?” I shout out. “Since ya went to the hospital, your doctor insisted we take them there letters to the police. That cute guy from University that comes in here on Mondays to buy root beer sticks and coffee is an undercover cop.” “He is a cop! OMG Anna I trusted you!” I swear “And I Love Ya! I won't let anyone hurt my Amanda! Over my dead body!” Annabelle says while crying. “Awe I'm so sorry sweetie. I Love you too. What have you learned from the police?” I ask her while giving her a great big hug. “Nothing yet they are looking into hand writing analysis for the letters, also the postmarks, fingerprints, anything they can to get a lead on who it is.” “So we know just as little now as we did before right?” I ask. “Right” “Oh my dear lord.” “Don't let it worry your pretty little head honey they will fine who is doing this.” Anna said. “I surely hope they do.”

“Would you like to come over to the house for dinner tonight?” I ask Anna. “I would like that hon. Thank you. What is Momma making” “Country Fried Chicken what else. Giggle.”

Friday night the girls are locking up Anna, Tanya, Arizona are all out back. “Anna I will see you at my house at 7 tonight Tanya you too, we will take my car tonight to the club then if you like y'all can stay at my place afterward if that is all right?” I tell them all. “That sounds like a good plan, see y'all there”

A quick stop at the bank, drop deposit off then get a manicure, Brring brring “Hello Amanda here.” “Hi how are you doing? It is so nice to hear your voice again. Your in town again? Really! Yes I think I can arrange for someone to pick you up there tonight. I have the girls staying at my place tonight, I will ask momma if you can stay Saturday if you like, no you wouldn't be putting us out. I will let you know later tonight, good see you there Ted. Bye.” Amanda hangs up the cell phone and sighs. “Oh my Amanda has a date this weekend and a stay-over date at that giggle” The nail lady said. Giggle “He is just a friend in town for the weekend, he is going to the club with us then I will bring him on Saturday to see how his new house is coming along.” Amanda told the nail lady. “He is having a house built?” She asked. “Yes out on the west side of town in that new development.” Amanda replied.” ”WOW He must be well off if he can afford to build out there, do you know what those places go for?” No how much?” Amanda asked. “I heard they start in the $500.thousands then go way up. ”O...o. Oh my. I guess you better do an extra special job on my nails today how about F. M. Red. Giggle.” Just kidding Amanda said. “You got it girl, and some glaze to keep them looking good too.” [Nail lady Smiling]

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