Chapter 8 A Call to Ashton and Annabelle

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Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

 Dedicated to: Kristy 1000

 Ted made a phone call to someone he once moved for free, celebrities actually the daughter of the new president and her husband, Anna and Ashton. They told him if there was ever anything they could do for him to call. I wonder if they really meant it, or if it was just talk, All I can do is try, there is always a chance he will know of someone in his old group of friends I met that can help find my Amanda for me. It can't hurt to try.

“May I speak to Ashton please?” “Yes hi Annabelle it is Ted.” “Yes the one that moved you in to your new place; how have you been?” I ask her. “Good to hear” “Can you have him give me a call when he comes home from work, it is important, I have an emergency he may be able to help me with. Yes I am still at the same number there. Thank you so much.”

Later that night while at a truck stop in central California, waiting to deliver someone's furniture the next day, the phone rings. [Ashton here Ted] “Thank god it's you, I hope your offer still stands?” I ask. [What is the problem Ted?] “My girlfriend has been kidnapped by a deranged psycho, the police can't seem to find them and I was hoping you knew someone from your training days that could come out and help assist in finding her? She is a very prominent person in Savannah, Georgia, she is a Ms. Amanda Musgrove of the Musgrove founding family. The police had this guy in custody and then set him free by mistake now he has my Amanda and I want her back.” [Let me make a call and see if I can get a friend to help you out, I will call you back.] “Thank you.”

[Cell phone rings] [Hello Ted] “Yes this is Ted.” [Hi it's Ashton I have some good news for you.] “Great I could use some about now!” [I have a friend, you met him at the bar that night, his name is Seth, he is willing to fly there and help out with finding your girl.] “That is the best news I have had all day. Thank you so much, I don't know how I will ever repay you.” [Don't worry about it, just remember he is a player so let the girls know.] “Thanks I will do. that Bye now.”...

.{I won't tell them till I get a call from Seth about my plans that I just made just in case something goes wrong I would hate to disappoint anyone back home in Georgia.}

{I have to get a load back home to Georgia and fast}...{I best send a message out to dispatch to let them know}...{I know I'll call dispatch it will be faster}...

[Pulling out his cell phone to call dispatch]... “Hello yes this is Ted Henderson may I speak to dispatch please? Thank you. Hi Yes Henderson here I have an emergency back home in Georgia I am requesting emergency drop and pickup directly back to home. No not Florida to Georgia. Yes I have bought a home in Savannah, Ga. and I really need to get back there ASAP. No personal problems extreme emergency I will need personal time off I am not sure how long I will let you know as soon as I can. I am sorry too. Yes thank you I can pick it up in the morning and have it there in 4 days. Very good bye now.“ [click]

That is a done deal now I best get some rest while I wait for this other driver to pick up this trailer and bring me the other loaded one. {I will be back to the estate in 6 day if I can rush it and drive straight through, tough but I have done it before}  

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