Chapter 14 Halloween & A Little More

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Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

Picture to Right is Amanda >>>>>

 Love: Definition = Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.

Verb - Pleasure, Noun – Desire, ADJ – Loving,

 Several weeks have past and Halloween is coming fast, so TammyLee for the last week has been working nights after school plus Saturday & Sunday full time to help decorate the shop. Savannah is the haunted capital of the USA so it has been told and everyone celebrates this time of year, so in the fashion of fun and festivities Amanda has converted the front room of her shop, into an 1800 witch's parlor. There is a table set up with a crystal ball, tarot cards, candles, and rune stones. The shelves were restocked with trinkets full of Halloween items fare to go along with the theme and the clothes they wear were also changed to match.

Amanda was a house hold wench with Tammy as her slave girl, Anna was the witch, Tanya was a hi society woman.

They played their parts so well that whenever a customer came into then shop it was as if the customer was transported back in time, it was creepy to say the least, especially when Anna threw the flash bang powered into the caldron and it flashed up with a flash of sparks and white smoke all the while she stirring the pot with a long spoon as if nothing had happen while laughing in that witch laugh she has.

The customers would jump then laugh with her, it was all we could do to keep a straight face and continue with our own acting parts, then Amanda would go up to each customer and ask them “How can help ya need a room, food, or a slave girl?” in a southern accent that was so funny to listen to, and the shock expression on the faces was so precious too. Then Tanya would walk up to then and say “Oh don't listen to that old hag she don't work here. How may I help y'all today?” Then once they did pick something out she would hand the item to Amanda and tell her to ring it up and wink at her and grin and the customer said. “I thought she didn't work here?” “It's all a play we are doing for our customer's enjoyment these next two weeks during Halloween.” Tanya told the customer they usually just laughed paid and walked out after tipping in the caldron which was smoking from dry ice and water.

Once there were no customers in the store we would go over how we did our play that time and how we needed to change thing. Make it more realist here or there maybe more flash here, less bang there, defiantly less smoke would help, or better let's get rid of the smoke we don't really need it, true let's get rid of the smoke. “What do we do when Tammy is in school next week?” Tanya asked. “Well we can cut out her part but it will look kind of funny, but we'll manage.” Amanda said. “What if we added Ted into the mix during the week for a change I bet he would love to help out?” Anna said. “I don't know if he would like dressing up all week like a farm hand or something like that.” Amanda said. Then Tammy chirped up and said “Are you kidding me my dad would give his eye teeth to come here and help out it is killing him sitting home while I am the one help you three out give him a call he will be here before you hang up the phone trust me he will.” TammyLee said grinning ear to ear.

Amanda picked up the phone and pressed the preprogrammed number in the phone for Ted and it rang three time before he picked up ”Hello Henderson residence how may I help you?” “Ted it is Amanda am I disturbing you?” “Oh hi Amanda I wasn't looking at the caller ID to notice it was you or I would have said hi baby what's up.” “That ok sweetie I have a proposition for you if you are up for it?” “Name it and it is yours no questions asked!” “Wow you are easy giggle.” “Only for you baby only for you.” “So would you like to help out next week at the shop while Tammy is in school playing one of the parts we are doing during Halloween week here in the shop I am sure Tammy told you all about it?” “Yes she hasn’t stop talking about it since last week when you asked her to help you out, sounds fantastic when do you want me there and what time?” “Say be at my house tonight to for dinner at 6 PM we will go over everything with you and the girls momma is making fried chicken and the usual fixings sound good?” “I will be there, see you tonight sweetie Love You bye for now” “Love You too”

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