Chapter 15 Wedding Planning & Arizona Reviler

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Lost at Love By: LadyDawn

 Photo to right is Jayson Roberts TammyLee's Boyfriend >>>>>

 The Halloween show was fun, and the shop play they put on was enjoyed by one and all, now that it's all over and the shop is back to normal, Ted is working part time days stocking shelves and doing the receiving. Tanya decided to go back to college for another semester and that left and opening for Ted to fill in.

Early afternoons during school TammyLee would show up at the shop then sit out back, doing her homework while waiting for them to close up shop, then the three of them would head home where they would pitch in to cook meals, eat and then clean up after.

Amanda and Ted have decided on the wedding date: February 14, 2012 St. Valentine's Day Amanda and the girls are spending the weekends in the back of the shop going over the wedding day plans with Ted working the front counter serving all the customers.

Sundays are mostly the same, a light breakfast at each of their own homes then Amanda drive to Ted's house to spend the whole day, relaxing from a long workweek in the arms of her loving man.

TammyLee has been going out with some new friends she met at school, one in particular has taken a real interest in her, Jayson Roberts is his name, with crystal blue eyes and shaggy brown hair he is a real cute guy.

Being a Sunday he heads over to her house to pick her up and meet the family, he knocks Ted answers. “Hello I am here to pick up TammyLee to go to the mall shopping.” Jayson looking kind of nervously at Ted. “Please come in your name is what? Ted asked. “Oh um it is Jayson sir Jayson Roberts.” “Oh Jayson yes TammyLee did mention your name to me let me get her for you one minute have a seat here please” Ted motioned for him to go into the parlor and sit down then he went upstairs to Tammy's door and knocked. “Tammy you have a male caller waiting for you downstairs” “Thank you daddy I will be right down I am almost finished changing tell him it will be just a minute more please “ Tammy called through the closed door. “Sure thing sweetie I will let him know.” Ted turned and walked back down the stairs and informed Jayson and then sat opposite him not saying another word.

Sitting there with Jayson giving him the cold stare Ted grinning Tammy walks in wearing skinny dark jeans with a pretty light ruffled purple top and fashionable matching purple sneakers. She says. “Hey Jayson you and dad been talking?” He pulls at the top collar of his tee shirt responding with n - no we have just been sitting here waiting on you and you look great too.” “Daddy what have you been doing down here making Jayson uncomfortable teasing him for no reason shame on you? Tammy brushing off one finger with another one laughing at her dad, all the while her dad was smiling. Jayson wasn't one bit happy with it though.

“I was just seeing how long before he would open up and say something to me you know I love to teas you friend you bring home the first time and make them think I am a hard butt when you know I am anything but.” Daddy said ginning.

“Well stop it you probably scared Jayson to death making him think he wasn't welcome to take me out or something. Daddy you are such a pain sometimes I swear.” Tammy said while reaching out for Jayson's arm to lead him out of the house but she was laughing.

Once they were in his car Jayson turned to Tammy and asked her. “Is your dad always like that or was it just me he didn't like for some reason just because I am older than you, I know we are in the same grade in school but I am 2 years older than you because of that accident I had a few years ago. Is that his problem with me?” Jason asked. TammyLee laughing slapping Jayson on the shoulder playfully, “Jay don't let him get to you he is harmless he was just kidding with you he does that the first time he meet all my friends, it is standard especially with any boy he meets he want to see if they will man up to him and start a conversation with him first then he is a pussy cat you have him eating off your hands. All he is interested in is making sure that who ever I date, will take care of me while we are out on our date, oh and you are invited back tonight for a family dinner with daddy's faience at 7 if you want I would like you to be there.” Tammy smiles and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

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