20: The Room of Torture

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"Are you done yet?"

"Ford--ugh--no--" Bill moaned, currently inside the bathroom, the exact place he had been for at least two hours. And, to make it worse, he would not let Stanford move at least one step away from the door, for fear of himself dying from falling into the toilet. "Did I tell you how much I hate the damn human body?" The ex-demon muttered, his voice muffled from the closed door.

"Yes, more then twenty times in the past two minutes," Ford groaned, sitting up to stretch his wings. Ugh, flying had hurt everything but made the new limbs feel so good. He felt guilty for wanting to do it again, for some reason. "May I please leave now?"

"NO!" A clang rang through the room that made the griffin sitting at the door jump. "Damn it--I mean--just wait a second," Bill explained.

Stanford rolled his eyes. "Sure." The noise of the toilet flushing rang out, and then the sound of the demon opening the door. Ford looked up at him. Bill looked...well, extremely exhausted, and he was sickly pale, his cheeks a bright red. Ford raised a brow. "Are you sincerely alright?" He asked.

Bill nodded weakly, shuffling towards the end of the hallway. He shivered, covering his chest with his arms. "J-just cold."

Ford pursed his lips, walking over to the former demon and placing the back of his paw onto his forehead. As he suspected, Bill had a raging fever. He sighed. More things that he did not want to be bothered with. "Come on, you need to rest," he muttered, walking down the stairs.

Bill's teeth were chattering extremely loudly. "Stanford I--I--I'm f-f-f-f-freezing! How do I make it stop?"

Ford rolled his eyes. "The answer is simple: you can't."

"DID SOMEONE SAY FREEZING?" A voice from behind the two shouted.

Bill looked behind him, and what he saw was Mabel standing in the doorway, a bright yellow knitted sweater in her right hand. Bill cocked a brow. "S-shooting Star?" He muttered, hugging himself tighter.

Mabel smiled, walking closer to the demon. She held the sweater out, waiting for him to take it. "I made it for you because I didn't want to leave you out! So...here you go!" She exclaimed, arm still extended. Bill stared blankly at the unicorn's outstretched hand, frowning. Mabel reached farther. "Take it."

When the demon didn't move an inch, Ford sighed and nudged the man with his wing. "It's a gift, Cipher. You're supposed to accept it."

Bill blinked, rubbing his forehead. "Oh." He wasn't feeling very good, the cold had went away and a very dizzy feeling had replaced it. The demon felt...almost like he had the day he got stuck in this stupid flesh prison, albeit to a lesser extent.

Ford rolled his eyes, taking the sweater from his grand-niece's hand. "Thank you, Mabel. This was very generous of you."

Mabel smiled. "You're welcome! I hope you feel better!"

Bill nodded weakly, starting to have trouble standing up, the room starting to turn upside down, this time not because of his whole hat-tipping trick he used to do.

Ford looked at Bill, concerned."Cipher? A-are you--" and then Bill toppled face-first onto the sphinx's back. Stanford's large wings beat in surprise, launching him into the air. Ford grunted as he hit his head on the ceiling. He definitely wasn't expecting that. He beat his wings slower, being sure to not drop himself right onto Bill's unconscious body. Stanford sighed, looking at the unicorn in front of him. Mabel's eyes were wide with glee.

"You can fly too?" She asked, stepping closer to her uncle.

Ford looked at his colourful wings. "Indeed I can."

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