3: Two Plus Two Equals Four

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HEY GUYS! First off I just want to thank you for all of the comments + votes! It means so much to me that you guys are reading (and liking) my story! (And to the people not doing that, thanks for viewing! I also appreciate it!) Anyways, I have a day off today, so I'm giving you guys an extra chapter this week! (You're welcome *winks*) ENOUGH OF MY CHATTING!


Above the tops of the redwood trees, a small yellow figure could be spotted.

Bill laughed as he remembered Stanford pounding on the secret door to his lab, yelling for his brother to come let him out.
Oh, dear old Six Fingered Hand was the exact same man he was thirty years ago. Always expecting the obvious. No, it wasn't his dear old brother  who'd locked the door. It was Bill. He didn't need Stanford finding out the cure before anyone even transformed. He needed the whole town in chaos. People hiding, isolated in their houses, sealed awa-- Bill abruptly. He was feeling a strange...tingling feeling. He furrowed his brow, confused. "What--" His eye widened as he realized one important detail. The kid hadn't pulled him into any other river, he'd pulled him into the one thing, really the only thing that could weaken him: The Fluvius Canatis.

Bill flailed his arms as he free-fell hundreds of feet, speeding towards the ground. He sighed as he was able to maintain his hover a few inches above the ground. "Now nothing else will happen!" He shouted, twirling his neon-yellow cane nervously. The demon had spoke too soon. He screamed in terror and agony as he was painfully ripped out of the mindscape. "No, no, no!" He squinted as he attempted to create a portal back, but all luck was lost when his feet touched the ground, and for the first time ever, really, Bill Cipher became unconscious.

Dipper had just walked into the bathroom when he first became aware of the hammering pain in his legs and back. "Some growth spurt I'm having," he muttered to himself, wincing as he put his socks on. A loud crack sounded. Was that my...spine? He asked himself, sitting up and stretching his back out. An even louder crack rang out. Dipper winced, placing his right hand on his lower back. "Owww," the boy moaned. Guess it was my spine, he thought, eyes widening. Why the heck was his spine cracking? Dipper stood up, grimacing when pain circulated up his legs and into his lower back. The pain was getting worse every second, and what he had thought to be a really bad growth spurt had spread everywhere in his body, including, though quite odd, his ears were pulsing. The boy painfully walked over to the sink, looking at his reflection. He was frighteningly pale, and to contrast were his ears, which were red with blood. Dipper shook his head to clear his mind, wincing after he did that, as he was beginning to develop an insanely massive migraine and whenever he moved his head it felt like his brain was bouncing around.

Dipper groaned, holding his stomach and falling back towards the bathtub. He slid down, groaning. Great. Now he had a stomachache and was pretty sure that he'd acquired a raging fever. A sharp, pounding, hammering pain began to hit his body, and Dipper curled up into a ball, whimpering. Was he dying? Dipper was pretty sure he was dying. His legs and back had gone numb, and he could hear his heart pounding fast. Very fast. Dipper tried to stifle a sob. Here he was, dying on the bathroom floor. He was going to die on the bathroom floor without even saying goodbye to Mabel. Dipper heard the final noises of multiple bones cracking loudly, then he blacked out, overridden by the pain.

"Dipper?" Mabel called, peering into the bathroom. Her eyes widened as she saw just what he was doing in there, and she quickly ducked behind the door. Had she really just seen what she thought she'd seen? Nervously, Mabel looked once again. Yep, it was still there. In place of her brother's normal human legs, was the furry, white-spotted tan flank of a deer--no fawn. She looked again. Yep, he had little floppy deer ears, too!

Slowly, Mabel walked in, being careful not to wake her new half-deer brother. What would you call that anyway? Deer-centaur? Deertaur? Probably not. She'd ask him later. Carefully, the girl sat beside her brother, looking at him. Aw, he's so cute! Look at his little tail! She gushed in her head, smiling. Getting the urge, Mabel put her hand on Dipper's back to pet him. She quickly stopped when she saw his head raise and his ears begin to twitch.

Dipper groaned and rubbed his eyes. "What? Why--why am I in the bathroom?" He blinked. "Mabel?"

The girl laughed. "Uh, Hi, bro! How--how are you?" Mabel said awkwardly.

He looked at her, confused. "What's wrong?"

Mabel raised her eyebrows. "How do you know if something's wrong or not?"

"I don't!"

Mabel sighed. "Look down."

Dipper did so, and screamed, he sprang right up, but due to having two extra legs that he was not used to, he toppled right on his face again. He groaned. "Mabel, I'm dreaming, right? I gotta be dreaming!" He muttered, scratching his head, recoiling when he touched his ear.

Mabel grimaced. "We just have to make sure Grunkle Stan or Grunkle Ford don't see you."

"Well, I'm not dreaming, then."

Dipper groaned for the fiftieth time as he fell... again. The stairs had been his worst enemy so far, though loose screws and floorboards matched with his twitchy, scrawny little legs was still a losing fight. "Mabel, I hate this so much."

"C'mon, Dipper! It's not that hard!" Mabel assured. She knew that he could do it, he obviously just didn't believe he could.

The cervitaur groaned. "That's what you think." Ugh, he was just trying to walk to his stupid bedroom and his stupid deer legs were all stupid twitchy and the stupid stairs and everything was just insanely stupid. "Try walking with two extra legs that you are one hundred percent not used to," he complained, standing up and attempting one more to...trot? He shuddered. Weird. Dipper took a deep breath, preparing himself for yet another fall. He looked ahead of him, trying to focus on what leg moved at what time. He'd never exactly been very...coordinated with two legs, but Dipper had became somewhat...accustomed to his slight clumsiness. Four legs, however, was a whole other story. Dipper had lost any sort of coordination that he'd had before, tumbling around mindlessly, his legs getting tangled up in each other time and time again.

Mabel, after at least her brother's 30th try up the stairs to their attic, grabbed his hand. She wanted him to learn how to do it himself, but knowing the multiple bruises that he would definitely be getting, the girl had finally decided to help him.

Dipper smiled at her, stepping up the stairs slightly easier now that he had a second source of balance. Having a brand new centre of gravity was sort of messing with his balance. "Thanks, Mabel. I was beginning to think I would never see the attic again," he joked, walking into their bedroom.

Mabel laughed, jumping onto her bed and letting her brother struggle once again. "Y'know, Dipper, I think this'll actually be pretty cool!" She sat up, grinning. "I can ride you like a horse, you're cuter then me and Waddles combined, and I can ride you like a horse!"

Dipper frowned, trying to figure out how to fold his legs under his lower half in order to sit down. "Mabel, I'm not so sure that riding me is such a great idea."

The girl pouted, crossing her purple pyjama-clad arms. "C'mon, Dipper! Please? Tomorrow?" She pleaded, trying to look her cutest.

The cervitaur sighed. "Fine. Tomorrow. I promise," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Hopefully this wore off after that. Hopefully.

HOPE YOU ENJOYED, SUCKERS! (I mean guys) A new chapter's coming your way Saturday or Sunday!

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