Final Author's Note

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So zombie Fieldtrip is finally over! I've never finished writing a book before, so this is really cool for me!

I started writing this because me and three of my friends didn't do anything in year 8  science and had an little bit of an obsession with zombies, so this story was born during a bunch of lessons where we planned it out.

Cleo - wifithirsty aka Lisa, who still wants to date Harry Styles almost four years later.

Lace - mynameismclovin aka lexie, who may or may not kill me for making her have a kid.

Greta - JustLoraah aka Laura, who's man was my favorite character still after I killed him off :(

To the many celebrities and fictional characters that inspired the boys, thanks for being hot.

To _potatofarming aka Remy I hope you to continue to worship Jonah (as I will).

To all you super amazing readers, thanks for reading this piece of crap lmao. Here's some questions you can answer if you like on the inline comments.

1. Favorite character?

2. Who do you ship?

3. Who do you wish died?

4. How would you have liked it to have ended?

5. Anything else you'd like to ask?

Some facts:

1. Chris was in fact named after Chris Hemsworth and not Luke Hemmings. Lisa suggested the last name as a replacement for hemsworth. I didn't even know who Luke hemmings was at the time I named him.

2. Ryder was named after Ryder Black from The Quirky Tale of April Hale - lexie's favourite wattpad book at the time.

3. I barely planned this story out 10/10 would not do it again.

4. Cleo is named after Leonardo DiCaprio, Lisa's bae (as is Lisa's male character in my new story he's kinda hot)

5. For a short while Greta was named Gertie, short for Gertrude (I remember Lexie hating it lol)

6. Cleo's last name comes from the Oscar Wilde play 'the importance of being earnest' that we read in English in yr 9. She's named after Algernon Moncrieff.

7. Tina, Jack, Victoria and Jonah weren't in the original plans for the story.

8. We all planned a story for each other to write back in science, except I'm the only one who continued writing mine. you can still find all the stories on my friends accounts. (Go read them! They're actually pretty great!)

9. My favorite scene to write was the best song ever sequence, and the shopping chapters in general.

10. Not really a fact but if you Want to read another zombie story go read my wife Brittataco's  story Survival. I *inspired* the character Aluna in it :))

I can't think of any more facts, so this is goodbye! Thanks for reading everyone, I appreciate every single read this story has ever gotten, I still remember it hitting 1k and thinking I was famous. I remember setting my goal at 20k and being baffled when it actually hit 20k. One day I'll edit and rewrite it to make it better for y'all.

So thanks :)

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