Chapter 6

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I sighed. Why was there nothing good on TV today? My hand mindlessly started stroking Little Andy's, who was fast asleep on my five month pregnant stomach. Flipping through the channels, I finally stopped on Animal Planet.

Pulling Little Andy closer to me, I could hear Juliet and Dad starting to fight again. They had been doing this more lately, so I would take Little Andy into my room and we would watch TV together. As they got louder, I sighed. They would fight about anything really, no matter how stupid it was. Like yesterday, we were in the car and Juliet got mad because Dad had it on his usual Rock station and one song was cursing a lot. Little Andy was in the car though, so Juliet got mad, and they started screaming at each other until we pulled into Uncle Jinxx and Aunt Sammi's house. It was horrible.

"Andrew," Juliet yelled, "Don't you dare start that shit with me! You're never home now and you know it! You don't love me or Little Andy! I am horrified that it took you this long to tell me! Six years to tell me that you slept with someone else! Six years, Andrew!" What?

"Juliet, I didn't love Riot though. I don't love her, we just got caught up in the moment. So you don't start your shit either! Everyone knows that you've slept with other people too! The fans even know! Do you know how bad that makes me look? I stuck it out and didn't want to believe it, so I was just the idiot that went along with it!"

"No wonder your daughter's pregnant at eighteen! You're a horrible excuse for a father! I'm surprised she's not messed up on drugs and drinking!"

"Don't try to change the subject! We're not talking about Ivy right now!"

"Everything in your life revolves around her though! Admit it, it's true! You love her more than you love me or Little Andy! Admit it, Andrew!"

"No, that's not true! She's my daughter, I love her in a different way!" The moved rooms, so I couldn't hear them anymore. I pulled Little Andy closer to me and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep too.

"Little Andy," Juliet cooed," Get up."

Both of us opened our eyes, as Juliet picked Little Andy up. I sat up as she awkwardly held him in her arms, he was getting bigger. He yawned, closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around Juliet's neck, and rested his head on her shoulder. Little Andy's blonde hair was sticking out in different ways, and his pale skin was getting darker in the summer months.

"Ivy," Juliet whispered darkly," Give this to your father. He's over at Jinxx's place right now, and I don't know when he'll get back." I nodded and grabbed the envelope from her left hand.

Juliet's wedding band wasn't on her ring finger.

"Bye, Ivy." Juliet whispered before leaving the room. When she made her way down the hallway, I jumped out of bed and crept silently behind her. By the front door there was five of so bags packed. I gulped. Juliet was leaving and she was taking Little Andy with her.

Juliet walked out the front door, only stopping to pick up two of the bags and walked out to her car, Little Andy still asleep in her arms. I raced down the steps the best that I could, and got to her car as soon as she put the bags in the trunk. Little Andy was still sleeping, but he was in the car buckled.

"You can't do this, Juliet!" I yelled and opened the door. Juliet shot over to me and pulled me away from the car.

"I will do whatever the hell I want to with my son!" She yelled.

"He's not only your son, but Andy's too! You can't just take him away from Dad!" I yelled while trying to get back to the car. I shivered a bit from the cold night air.

"And? Andrew was never a good father! Look at how you turned out! I can take myself and my son away from all of this!"

"Stop it! It's horrible only growing up with one parent! I know what it feels like! Stay, Juliet. If not for your marriage, then for your son." I had to whisper the last sentence.

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