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After school Liam came to get me so I could help move Harry into Liam’s apartment—still three hours away—but I was just happy we were finally together. As soon as I graduated I would move in with him and attend a uni near his apartment. Sure, maybe it would be weird, being like Harry’s dad and all, but it was the best for everyone.

            “This is so strange,” Liam said as we pulled into the group home Harry had been staying at, “I’m…I’m adopting a kid,”

            “Not a kid,” I chuckled, “You’re adopting Harry. That’s much, much worse,”

            Liam smiled at me and leaned across the seats to kiss me on the head, “Hey, I can still say no when that little curly haired lad tries to get into my car,”

            I laughed and shook my head, “That would be awfully mean,”

            He nodded and shrugged, “Who ever said that I was nice?”

            I rolled my eyes at him and hopped out of the car, walking towards the group home with a smile on my face. As soon as Liam and I stepped inside Harry was there, hugging us, tears in his eyes and a huge grin on his face. He had all of his luggage ready and a beanie—that was most definitely Louis’s—rested over his curls. I helped Harry grab his bags as Liam went to go finish the final papers in the office.

            “Thank you, Zayn,” Harry said as we threw his suitcases into Liam’s trunk, “You have no idea what this means to me,”

            “Don’t mention, mate,” I said, “You mean the world to Louis, I’m just being a good friend,”

            “You are an amazing friend,” Harry said, a few tears rolling down his cheeks, “To Louis, to me, to Liam,”

            I smiled and pulled Harry in for a hug, “Thank you,”

            “No, thank you,”

            We stood there for awhile until Liam came out, papers in hand and a smile on his face. As he approached he pulled out his car keys and said, “They warned me about you Harry. They said you had been acting out and bullying the other kids,”

            I laughed and looked to Harry, who simply shrugged, “You’ve never had to live in a group home,” He said, “The kids are all bonkers, mental, I tell you,”

            We all laughed and hopped into the car, heading off to the train station where we would go to Liam’s apartment. After settling him in we would have to take the train all the way back to his house, yes three hours, so we would be in town for my party tomorrow  at Niall’s house. Josh had supposedly planned to coolest and best party I could ever imagine, or at least, that’s what Niall promised me. I had just laughed and smiled. Because as long as I had my friends and Liam I would be happy, even if we just sat around and talked the entire time—however I doubt that Josh planned a party as boring as that.

            On the train Harry and I played eye spy while Liam napped—which was pretty damn adorable and his lips went into this cute little pouty formation and I wanted to kiss him awake, but since Harry was there I decided to pass on the kissing for now. Three hours on the train went quickly and before I knew it we were unloading Harry’s things from the train and loading into Liam’s second car—dear lord his father and his money.

            Liam’s apartment was small, only two rooms, but cute and nice and quaint and I knew that Harry would be happy here and so would Liam. They would keep each other good company until Louis and I finished off school and moved here with them. Harry wouldn’t stop thanking me and Liam and we just kept laughing, because he had literally thanked us at least 100 times now.

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