(15) The Drunken Sailor

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(This Chapter has been gently edited on the 9/03/20 as there are a few themes etc in this book that were really bothering me. I appreciate you guys in understand that this first book was written back in 2011 when I was 15 — so I may not have been as tactful in understanding certain stuff as I am now!)


Chapter 15!! Sorry this Chapter took so long to post, I have been crazy busy with exams all week and have my last two tomorrow, thank goodness :D
This Chapter is a little boring, but hopefully you enjoy it.
Much love,
Daisy xx


As Obsidian steered me away from the scene, I couldn't help but feel as though I was forgetting something. My head suddenly shot up as I looked around fervently, my eyes finally landing on who I was searching for.

"Wait!" I cried, pulling away from Obsidian's protective arm, rushing back to where the small figure was still waiting. I ignored his rumbling growl of disapproval as he reached out to catch my arm, and missed.

"Lacy!" I called, hearing Obsidian angrily stomp after me. She turned to face me, a smile stretching across her features when she saw who it was and I felt guilty for almost forgetting her. I stopped beside her and spoke on impulse.

"Come with us."

She opened her mouth to speak but Obsidians voice rang out instead. "What?!" He snarled furiously, "Circe I will not have stray hands on my ship. She will be nothing but a burden."

Lacy defiantly stuck out her tongue, "I'm not a burden!" She declared, "I'll have you know I used to be a Pirate too."

Obsidian raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?" He replied scathingly, "on whose ship?"

"My Fathers," Lacy retorted, "with Leo. Leo is a way better Pirate than your stinky ass- oh!" She suddenly looked around in panic. "Leo! He'll kill me, I've gotta go!" She told me, suddenly turning and rushed off into the darkness before I could stop her. "Lacy wait!" I called after her, still unconvinced she would be okay.

"Well that takes care of that pest problem!" Obsidian said suddenly cheerful as I turned to glare at him. He smirked back and lifted my chin up with one elegant finger, bending down until his eyes were level with mine.

"Never invite people onto my ship without my permission EVER again." He said darkly. "Or you might find yourself in more trouble than you know how to handle." His head bent down further until I could feel his breath, whispering across my skin.

"Are you threatening me?" I whispered, shivering as he chuckled throatily, the laughter trailing off into a thoughtful hum.

"I don't know, am I?" His voice was velvet soft but I knew it was a facade. I felt his eyelashes brush against my cheeks as he nuzzled the side of my face, his stubble scratching me lightly, like the rough side of a cats tongue.
He inhaled deeply, his hands squeezing softly at my shoulders.

"Come," He whispered finally. "We have wasted enough time." He aprubtly pulled away, causing me to stumble slightly. Without realizing it, I had been letting him support most of my weight and now that he was gone ... I shivered and cast my eyes down, wrapping my arms around myself.

He stopped a few feet away and turned slightly to look back at me, his glowing gaze brooding as he stretched out a hand imperiously. "Come." He repeated, his voice commanding. When I glared at him, the edges of his face seemed to soften.

"Please" He added, speaking the word as if it choked him. I walked forward haughtily, refusing his hand, determained not to show him the effect he had on me any more than I already had.

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