(13) The Mermaid Door

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Next chapter!!! Read and enjoy :D


Hello to all of my new fans!!! Thank-you so much for following my story and loving it as much as I do, you guys are wonderful! :)

Daisy xx


(Circe's P.O.V)

I don't know how long I was in my room for, but eventually I fell asleep in my strange bed, my dreams full of bright colors and twisting figures.

When I woke, the room was silent and dark, the sheets on my bed were sweaty, twisted and wrapped around my legs, proof of my restless sleep. I rubbed at my eyes with closed fists and twisted my head to the side, swinging my feet over the edge of the bed and sucking in my breath as my toes touched the cool wooden boards. Gingerly I padded over to the porthole and stooped my head slightly so I could look through it. The night sky was painted a deep navy blue, the stars twinkling coldly down from their majestic thrones.

Feeling almost as though I was still dreaming, I twisted the door handle, the door swinging open silently and the darkness beckoning me forward. I stepped out into the small passageway and drifted down to the door at the end that had a beautiful stained glass window set in the middle. It depicted an image of an exquisite Mermaid, seated on a rock in the middle of the ocean, combing her hair. I studied her momentarily, noting her long golden locks and gem blue eyes.

"I'm like that," I whispered to no-one in particular. "I'm a Siren." I reached out a hand to touch the smooth glass body, my fingers lingering over her bottle-green fish tail.

Why don't I have one of those?

I wiggled my toes and tried to imagine what it would be like if they weren't there. That would be so strange. I wondered briefly what Hobbs would say when he found out that I couldn't swim, I bet that he wouldn't have an answer for that one. My lip twitched at the thought. That man had an answer for everything. Gently I pushed on the Mermaid door, surprised when it swung open. I had half expected it to be locked. I stepped inside the room and instantly wished that I hadn't.

It was His room. 


The door clicked shut behind me and I gulped, my eyes searching for any signs of movement, first towards his bed and then in the other corners of the room. I spied the door to freedom on the opposite side of the room and made a beeline for it, once again surprised when no-one stopped me. Perhaps he wasn't in here? I opened the door that I knew led to the deck and quietly stepped outside. The brisk sea air ruffled my hair and danced around the hem of my night gown, making it billow out around my feet. I scanned the deck and froze in my tracks. Roughly about five hammocks were suspended in the rigging, one of them occupied. Two figures crouched around a small table, the lantern set in the middle spreading an orange light over the checkered black and white board. 

"Checkmate!" One of the figures said, leaning back triumphantly and flicking his shaggy black hair out of his eyes. The other more hulking shadow growled in annoyance and slammed his fist down on the board making the pieces jump and topple over with a clatter.

"You cheated," The deep voice accused and as he moved forward into the light I saw the face of one of the two Giants that had all but tortured me the other night. I swallowed and carefully took a step back trying not to make any noise but of course  with my luck being as horrible as it was I managed to step on a creaky board and a drawn out squeak echoed through the night air.

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