Kali: Goddess of Time and Change

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Kali: Goddess of Time and Change

©2013, Olan L. Smith

Through dimmest illumination a dazzling smile

Graced her features, a deluge

Of trust falls and balmy waters of July

Covers us with liquid bliss;

Her touch―flower petals upon flesh,

A rose without thorns is her embrace;

Her flowing hair tickles my face

As she lay her head upon my chest;

Her soothing voice pierces the veil of realms,

Two worlds open wide as she declares,

"It has been a thousand life times since

We last kissed, touch my lips and follow

Me. I arise from my body

And stride between spheres where worlds

Amass in a surreal abode where people are

People but unlike us they live in peace.

People greet us as royals calling me

Their king and her their queen, as we wander

The avenues of love a lion approaches

Her and bows low. She offers her hand.

I oblige and together we straddle the lion

To traverse athwart the kingdom with authority, no entity

Challenges or impedes our progress as she

Make all things new with her breath.

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