What Lingers

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What Lingers

© 09-09-09, Olan L. Smith

Wishing demise arrives, not by natures design,

Rather through human diagram

Sketch not in sand or written on water—

No—with more permanence—

The knife makes it mark upon your soul

Engraving in life—death.

Was a plan born of tears and birthed by fear

Till sleep overcomes and dreams replace

The horror of day

Revealing angels—fairies,

And elves dancing upon your countenance

As earlier desires discharge from your thoughts.

And parallel worlds merge

Tightly clutched between sleep and wake,

A hand connects and caresses flesh—

She speaks and lures you to the realm of alpha/beta waves,

"Stop, I will reveal the secrets of the universe."

You reside with a bona fide phantasm,

Commune with an unearthly essence,

As you rouse her apparition fades not,

But waves and blows a kiss. What lingers is radiance.

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