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It's a little longer than usual? I don't know... I tried okay guys? Don't hate me!


Chapter 9


Liam is BOLD

Niall is Italic

Josh is BOTH

-Liam’s POV-

I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, I couldn’t quite place what it was. It was Sunday so I didn’t really have any plans. Being as Niall was supposed to stay at home the rest of this week I was very bored. I sighed and walked out to the kitchen. I found a note on the table from Zayn. He said he was visiting Louis in the hospital. I found out about him being shot, I was planning to visit him today since Niall was at home. I went to the fridge and pulled out the milk. I grabbed a bowl and my favorite type of cereal. I ate my fruit loops slowly, the house was quiet. I never liked when the house was quiet. My mom was always doing something and the house was rarely quiet. But now that she’s gone, it’s always silent. Mr. Malik’s never home. I don’t blame him, he took her passing badly. He only comes home to bring groceries and leave us money for the month. I finished my bowl of cereal and placed the dirty bowl in the sink. I’ll do the dishes later. I went back into my room and go dressed to go to the hospital. I checked my phone, Niall never texted me. That’s weird, his mom must have taken his phone or something. I shrugged it off and went back to getting dressed. I chose a light blue t-shirt and denim blue jeans. I grabbed the gel off my dresser and went into the bathroom to style my hair. Once I had it gelled up to how I liked it I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. I need to find my car keys. Once I had located the keys I went out to my car, I checked my phone again to see if Niall had texted or anything. Still nothing, oh well. I got into my car and pulled out of my driveway. I was stopped at a stop light when my phone started ringing. I snatched it up. I didn’t even check the caller I.D.

“Hello?” I answer, I hear slight static on the other end before someone speaks, and it’s Harry.

“Liam!?” He shouts into the phone. The light changes to green, I put Harry on speaker and place the phone in my lap.

“Yes Harry. What do you need? I’m on my way to visit Lou. How is he?” I ask. More static then a frantic voice.

“Liam, hurry and get to the hospital. I- I don’t think I should be the one to tell you this, just come to the hospital Now.” He says in a worried sick kind of voice. I gulped, had something happened to Louis? If something happened, Harry wouldn’t be the one talking to me right now.

“Um, okay. I’m around the corner be there in a minute.” I said, Harry hung up and I continued my journey to the hospital, only a little faster than I had been going before. I pulled up to the hospital and felt my stomach drop, every bad scenario for Louis was replaying in my head over and over again. I got out of my car and took a shaky breath as I walked up to the doors. I walked straight to the receptionist’s desk and cleared my throat. The woman, who had bleach blonde hair and bright red lipstick with bright blue eyes shadow looked up at me with a sickeningly sweet smile. I cringed at the way she looked, god does she really think that colors attractive on anyone? People…

“Hi, I’m looking for Louis Tomlinson?” I said in a worried voice. She smiled and clicked some buttons on her computer. Her long fake nails tapping away at the key board. She stopped typing and looked back up at me.

“Room 304 sweetheart.” She smiled. Her voice was naisly and annoying, it fit her physical features. I nodded and thanked her before walking down the hall. I watched as the numbers on the wall increased

Speechless (Sequel to Breathless)Where stories live. Discover now