Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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This wasn't really something I had planned to happen, it just sort of happened. I'm sorry if any of you don't like this random plot twist but I think its good! so enjoy this very late update :)


Chapter 4


Liam is BOLD

Niall is Italic

Josh is BOTH

-Harry’s POV-

I woke up with the worst pain possible in my neck, it took me a minute to remember that I came out and curled up with Louis last night. As much as I know I should be mad at him, I just can’t stay mad at him. He is my everything, he is what keeps me anchored. I opened my eyes and Louis wasn’t lying beside me. I couldn’t help but feel sad that he had left. But then I heard a retching noise coming from the bathroom. I jumped up and ran over to the door, luckily Louis was in too much of a rush to close the door. He was leaning over the toilet coughing and throwing up the contents of his stomach. I sighed and walked closer to him rubbing small circles into his back. After a few minutes he stopped puking and stood. I walked out to the kitchen, I could hear him following me. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. I handed it to him. He gave me a small smile but took a sip from the glass. I sighed and leaned against the counter watching as Louis sipped from the glass. As mad as I should be at Louis, watching him right now is only making me want him more. No matter how mean, how messed up he is, I know I will always love him. I will always be the one there for him when he is sick or just needs a friend. He brought the glass away from his plump lips and set it softly on the table behind him. His eyes were still slightly red, but he didn’t look nearly as bad. I could tell he was hung-over though. Thank god he doesn’t have to work today. I gave him a small smile as he rubbed his temple.

“I’m so-” but I cut him off by putting my finger up to silence him. I shook my head telling him to just stop talking. I don’t really want to hear his lame excuse, it’s always the same. ‘The guys wanted to get some drinks after work.’ ‘The boss asked me to go with him to the bar’ they are all very lame excuses and usually end with us fighting. I hate when we fight, that’s all we seem to do lately. Ever since he got that job at the theater all he ever does is drink. I need to talk to him about it, but I don’t know how to approach it without it turning into a full-fledged war between us. Now that I really think about it, Louis and I hardly ever talk anymore. And when we do talk we always end up screaming at each other. I can’t even remember the last time I had sex with him! Now I just sound like a hormonal teenager, but still! He’s my husband, I can do those things with him if I please.

“Here, take these.” I say calmly reaching into the cupboard and grabbing a bottle of pain relievers. He takes them and swallows them with a gulp of water. He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand before setting the glass back down on the table. I can feel the tension between us, I hate it. I really want to tell him how much of an asshole he is, but I know that won’t solve anything. If anything it would make it worse, and that’s the last thing I want to happen. Louis bites his bottom lip and looks to his feet. He starts playing with a bracelet on his wrist, I watch and my eyes bulge out of their sockets at what is now permanently on his wrist. He has two very small, but noticeable, quotation marks on his wrist. It’s a tattoo, when did he have this done. Without thinking I reach down and grab his hand, I don’t think he really know what I was doing until I turned his hand over and pulled the bracelet down. He jerked his hand back when he realized what I was looking at. I was gripping his hand too tightly so he couldn’t get it away from me. I looked up at him, his expression was unreadable.  

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