Kiss You

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This is it guys! I got an idea for a sequel so here it is! hope you like the first chapter :D Comment for an update votes would be nice too! so yeah hope you like it! ~Savannah


Chapter 1


Liam is BOLD

Niall is Italic

Josh is BOTH

-Liam’s POV-

I stood standing in the full length mirror on my wall, I was fixing my tie when there was a light knock on the door. I turned to see Zayn stepping into my room. He was wearing a black tux with a black tie. He looked pretty good, he was holding a purple corsage in his left hand. He leant against the door a small smirk on his lips.

“What you need Zayn?” I ask pulling once more on my tie to get it just right. Zayn walks over to my bed and sits down on the end.

“Are you ready for prom?” He asks looking down at the flower in his hand. I have to hold back a sly remark, but turn to him with a smile.

“Born ready, I can’t wait to see Niall in his tux!” I giggle, Zayn rolls his eyes and gets up off my bed, and he motions for me to follow him. I grab my wallet off my dresser and place it in my pocket before I walk out of the room. Zayn is standing in front of the front door waiting patiently. I grin and we walk out to his car. We both get in Zayn has to pick up Giulia first, they are still going strong. Their love is so beautiful, it makes me think of Niall and I before… well… it just makes me think of Niall and I.

Zayn drives a block over to pick up Giulia, she walks out in a beautiful floor length light purple gown. It has sparkles all over the bottom the top is strapless, it’s really helping her boobs. Not that I’m looking. She smiles when she sees Zayn get out of his car. I get out and move to the back seat so she can sit next to Zayn. I watch as he slides her corsage onto her wrist, she is grinning ear to ear. She jumps in excitement kissing him as she jumps down. They are so adorable. After they kiss again Zayn leads her back to his car, he opens the door for her and helps her slide in without wrinkling her dress. He runs back to the driver side and buckles up. He doesn’t waste any time, he drives over to the familiar street that Niall lives on. I can feel my heart quickening as we get closer and closer to his house. I hadn’t realized how nervous I was for Prom tonight. I just kept reminding myself, I would finally get Niall alone for once. No one else, but Niall and I. We wouldn’t have to deal with Zayn, Harry, Louis, or Josh. My brows furrowed in anger at the thought of Josh, Liam calm down there is nothing wrong with Josh. He’s a nice boy, and Niall can have other friends than you and your friends. I tried to calm myself, failing miserably. Zayn pulled up to the small house, I jumped out and walked quickly to the door. I knocked three times and felt my palms sweating, that’s attractive… I waited about 30 seconds, no one came to the door. I sighed and figured no one was home with Niall, so I just let myself in. As usual the door was unlocked, I walked into the house. I could hear someone moving around in Niall’s room, I grinned and walked into his room. I opened the door, he jumped when he saw the door open. I stifled a laugh at how adorable he looked when he was startled. He gripped his chest dramatically, heaving heavy breaths. I rolled my eyes and walked to him, admiring his crisp black tux. I looked at his tie and grinned, it wasn’t black like mine it was a light green. It looked so hot on the Irish boy. I pulled him into a hug inhaling the smell of his strawberry shampoo, it was my shampoo since he had spent the night last night, but it still reminded me of Niall. We pulled back out of the hug so we could talk.

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