Chapter 23: pregnant?

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Elizabeth's pov

~~ one month later ~~

The new album was going great. They already finished a few songs and well rest your love was my favorite one.

I woke up this morning. Brad was already to the studio. He finally let me stay alone.

I wasn't feeling good at all. I thought it was because a week ago I had to be on my period but I guess it just would come later.

I ran to the toilet and start throwing up. It was disgusting. But still I wasn't on my period. I start getting worried and shared on the internet of it was normal that it can come so late. I looked trought the internet when I read the word 'pregnant'. I freaked out. I was only 18 and not ready for a child.

I got dressed and ran to the store on the end of the road. I bought a pregnacy test. I went back home and took the test. Now waiting till it is done.

I sat on the bed with the test in my hands as I hear the frontdoor. Shit Bradley was home. Probebly for lunch since it's already 12.30pm.

"Liz?" I hear him calling me. I quickly hide the test under my clothes in my closet and went downstairs. "Hey." I faked a smile. I was worried sick. "You're okay, you look pale?" He asks as I was about to faint.

Bradley's POV.

Liz was looking pale. Before she even answered me she fainted. I grabbed her before she fel. I caried her upstairs and laid her down on my bed. I looked into her closet to find something more comfy for her to sleep in as I found something. I grabbed it and looked at it.

What the fuck was this.

A pregnacy test?

She already did the test but I didn't know what the results were. I looked it up on the internet...

She is pregnant?

I laid the test in the bathroom and sat down next to her. As she wakes up I smiled at her.

"Don't you have to be in the studio?" She asks with a weak voice. "I stay with you." I told her. She gave me a weak smile.

Should I tell her? About the baby?

"Liz." I whispered and she looked up at me. "You're pregnant." I said. "You found the test?" She asks and looked at me all worried. "Don't be worried, I'm happy with it." I told her as a smile came accros her face. "We can be great parents." I said.

Elizabeth's pov

I freaked out when Bradley said I'm pregnant but he telling me that we will be great parents reveals all the stress. Only how do I tell my mom?

"What about our parents?" I ask him. "You can tell your mom if you want to." He said. "And your family?" I ask. "I don't want them to know, they would never believe in me being a great dad." He told me. "But maybe they are happy with it." I told him.

He just kissed my forehead and left me. I wanted to follow him but I was too weak.

After 5 minutes Bradley came back with a sandwich. I sat up and he gave me the sandwich. "Thank you." I smiled. "Don't you have to work on the album?" I ask him. "I text them you were sick so I have to take care of you." He told me.

He was so sweet. And now that we are going to get a baby together.

~~ the next day ~~

I ran to the toilet, throwing up again. I felt someone taking my hair behind me. "Don't worry I'm here." I soft voice said. It was Bradley.

When it was over Brad helped me back to bed. I laid down and closed my eyes but I couldn't felt asleep.

"I'm going to the studio." Brad whispered in my ear and left. I know he can't always be here he had to work too.

I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone. Time to tell my mom.

To mom: I have something to tell you Xx

From mom: shout!

To mom: it's stupid to tell you in a text but i'll never see you, mom I'm pregnant ...

From mom: you... WHAT?

To mom: Brad and I having a baby.

From mom: but you're only 18?

To mom: I know and this just happened...

From mom: you're not gonna keep it don't you?

To mom: yes I am!

From mom: if Bradley will leave you alone with the baby... I told you so!

I dicide not to answer anymore. I thought she would be happy for us.

Bradley's pov

We took a little break. I didn't tell the boys yet but I first wanted to tell my mom cuz after all she will find out sooner or later.

To mother: I have to tell you something important and because I'm always busy I just text u..

To mother: Liz is pregnant...

She didn't answer me. Maybe she was busy. But after a while she answered. I was nerveus.

From mother: you made her pregnant?

To mother: yes That's what I'm saying.

From mother: and now you gonna leave her and go on with your life fucking random girls?

Who does she thinks I am?!

To mother: NO! I changed!

From mother: prove it!

Ugh I hate her. Why should I leave Liz. I love her, I really do.

"Hey man your busy texting?" James asks as they all sat down with me. "Nope I'm done." I said. "What was that all about?" Connor asks.

I wasn't about to tell them, not yet. Liz and I should tell them together.

"Just my mom being annoying." I told them.

We continue working on the music.

It was 10PM. I went home and got something to eat on my way. When I arrived I went upstairs to find Liz crying. I sat down next to her and pulled her close to me.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. "My mom don't want me to have a baby." She cried. "Well my mom thinks I will leave you now." I told her. "My mom thinks that too, she thinks you are bad for me." She said looking up. "I thought she liked me?" I asked her. "That was before that make out video in public." She said.

I hold her close to me and let her cry. We are going to prove our parents they are wrong.


Double update 💪

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