Chapter 21: wake up your sleeping heart.

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Elizabeth's pov

"We have to go to band meeting." Brad said and took his car keys..

When we arrived we were first... That never happened before. Normaly we were always the last one.

We sat down and waited for the others to arrive.


"So now we are complet." Joe said. "You guys gonna start practicing again." He told them. They all start smiling at each other. "And..." Joe said and we all looked at him. "You're going back in the studio for your new album." He said...

The boys want to catch up what they lost at their break up so they already start thinking about new songs. Bradley was playing the guitar.

"Wake up, your sleeping heart." I said remembering James text. James looked up at me. "That sounds like a song lyrics." Tristan said. "How did you came to it?" Brad asks. "Uh a while ago someone send it to me." I told him. "We should make a song about it." Connor said.

James and Bradley were play on their guitar trying to find a mellodey. "So wake up, your sleeping heart." Tristan was repeating it the whole time. "Is that all you have Tris?" I ask him and laughed. He looked at me making me stop laughing.

"Hey what do you think of this?" Connor ask. "So wake up Your sleeping heart I know sometimes we'll be afraid
But no more playing safe, my dear I'm here" he sang. "That's good." I told him.

"Wait sing it again." Brad said. Connor start singing as Bradley played his guitar.

I stood up and sat down next to James. "I told you it would end as a song." I told him. James laughed.

"I think That's enough for today." Bradley said and took his guitar of him.

I stood up and walked throwards him. I took his hand and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. Bradley smiled and picked me up as he kiss my lips.

"Get a room." Tristan smirked. "Come let's finish this at home." Bradley said.

{okay from here will start the dirt 😏 if you don't like Reading that stop here, the rest is just Brad and Liz doing 'it'}

The way back home went fast. Once we were home I got inside. Bradley closed the door and slamed me against the wall. He smashes his lips to mine roughly. I felt his lips part and felt his tongue graze my bottom lip over and over again. I gave him acces and his tongue searched my mouth. I began to lightley thug at his shirt. Both of us parthed from our steamy make - out session to pull each others tops over both of our heads. I stood there in my bra and pants. Bradley quickly get off his pants. His lips attached to my neck and worked down. He often nipped my skin with his teeth making a moan ascape my lips. He unclasped my bra and put his hands on the back of my thights. There was a burning sansation on my thights when the rings of his fingers touched my warm skin. He rubbed my upper legs asking for me to jump.

I wrapped my legs around his torso. I continued to moan as his lips worked down my stomach.

He carried me upstairs into his room. He closed the door with his foot. He moved me back to the wall as I unravelled my legs from him so he was able to pull down my pants. He tugged them off along with my panties and threw the to the other side of the room. I did the same to his boxers. He pressed me harder against the wall and I was able to feel his grown bulge against me. He pounded himself into me and I wasn't able to adjust. He continued to thrust in and out of me making painful screams escape my lips. He rubbed me as he continued thrusting. Soon the screaming was replaced with pleasure moans. I opened my eyes to see Brad with his eyes closed and sweat beads on his forehead and hair line. Soon I shut my eyes as Brad rubbed faster making me moan his name. I could see the smirk he had accros his face. My legs began to feel like jelly. Brad noticed it as he cupped my ass for support. It was supporting yet burning from the rings. I noticed that his thrusting became irragular so I knew he was close.

I released into him and he released into me shortly after. The room was full of panting and sweat. He let go of me so I could stand again. Brad rested his sweaty head against mine.

"We should do this more." Brad smirked and letting out a deep breath.

I hope you like this part ☺️

I'm also writing a vamps imagines book so if you want one go look at it and comment

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