My Struggles lately *trigger warning*

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Hey guys. Its been awhile since the last time i wrote a chapter in here. Im really sorry for that! But im happy to finally be back! Thank you so very much for reading and voting on this book! I honestly can't believe that I have 22 k reads on here. It just amazes me what God has done with book and im humbled to see that some of you use it as a "devotional" everyday. I never would of expected that to happen with this book. But anyways i wanted to let you know what I've been struggling though and why I haven't been on in a long time.
Lately (as in the last 4 or 5 months) I've been extremely depressed and extremely low self esteem and I even started to harm myself and I eventually became suicidal. I had tried to drown myself in my bathtub over 75 times. I burned myself with a heating pad. I thought that I was a mistake and a burden to everyone. I thought that I was annoying. I thought that I was worthless. I got to a point where I couldn't take it anymore i started harming myself and thinking my life was over.  i came to a point eventually where I began questioning what my purpose was and why God was keeping me alive. I still haven't really figured it out yet but I'm at least a little bit better now. But ya I just wanted to let you know what I've been going through and everything. I love  you all so much 💗💗💗 and hopefully I'll start writing more soon😊❤️❤️ -k

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