Sterotypical things that people think about Christians

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some people think of Christians as people that hate the sinners because that's what they think God does but really God doesn't hate anybody he hates the sim but loves the sinners.

People see christians as perfect little angels that see themselves above everyone else in the world but really that couldn't be anymore untrue. We see our selves as equals to everyone else. We look at the world and see a broken world then we look in the mirror and see someone who is also broken. Yourself.

They think we are perfect. Little do they know that we aren't. we sin just like everyone else in the world, but what sets us apart is that we go to God for forgiveness.

God is our rock when most other people's rocks is their sin.

Most people think of Christians as hypercritical people. And I'm definitely not denying that that's true because the truth is that it's actually 90% true. Most of us are hypocrites but it's not like everyone else in the world isn't one as well! Trust me everyone is a hypocrite in their own way. But what we can do to change that image of us is to try our best to follow through on everything we say that we'll do.

Most people see us as a church that only judges them and that's why so many people wander away from the church and why people are scared to go to church sometimes. Because you see when they do something bad they think they'll be judged by us and be kicked out of the church. We need to change that image of us too. We as a whole church as a body of Christ need to show what God has shown to us. God has shown us endless love that never fails, he's shown us forgiveness for every single one of our sins, and he doesn't judge us when we do something wrong. We need to be the generation that changes what the world sees christians as. We are the world changers right now and we need to do something about it right now! If we don't act now then our generation will just keep getting worse and worse. We need to do what God needs us to do.

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