dating Christian boys

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Ok so we're all teenage girls here so I thought that I could help you gals with boys.

I know you all want to date so badly but sometimes it's just better to wait. Every night I pray to God that he show me the right boy for me and that if I need to wait for him to tell me that.

But here are some tips anyways on what to look for in a Christian guy.

1. You should watch him ( NOT CREEPILY) whenever you see him at church and watch how he behaves and to see if he actually listens during the service.

2. Have a conversation with him. It doesn't need to be face to face. It can be over kik or text or something but ask him where is heart is and have an honest talk with him to see where he is in his walk with Christ.

3. If you start dating him then you need to make sure that you set your boundaries.

Like I know that when I start dating next year that I'm going to save my first kiss for my wedding day and I'm going to stay pure until marriage. So just make sure that you make it CLEAR to him what your boundaries are.

- They're sweet

- genially cares about you

- their heart is so deep in Jesus that when you're hanging out with him that he doesn't even think about temptations.

- Is in love with you

- he's always nice


Tips on how to handle boys:

• If they want to have a guys night without you then let him. Guys sometimes need a night away.

• Let guys hangout with other guys. It makes them feel manly and tuff

• If you see him hanging out with another girl don't freak out just ask him about it nicely. A lot of boys have best friends that are girls so don't sweat it.

•Don't tell him that he has to stop hanging out with somebody. It makes you seem jealous, mean, and bossy.

• Be there for him. If something big happens in his life that's bad, be there for him. Guys have feelings too and they struggle with things too so make sure that you help him through it.

!Authors note! THANKS SO MUCH FOR 600+ READS!! It really means a lot to me and I love y'all so much!! I'm sorry I haven't updated a bunch lately. I've been super busy with a volleyball camp, a worktrip with my youth group, and I just drove to Kansas and I'm driving back right now so hopefully I can update again soon! Love y'all! 😘❤️ ~Kayla

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