My heart will sing no other name: Jesus, Jesus

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On Sunday night while we were worshiping at my youth group we sang the song Forever Reign by Hillsong and as soon as I heard that song, it reminded me of when we went to beach camp and we sang it at an evening session and everyone in that ocean center sang it out with such passion and such love it just amazed me when i looked back at it. There were 7,000 people there. Most of them were teens in middle or high school. I remember that even then I was amazed because it was on one of the last nights so everyone already knew all the songs and it was just amazing to see everyone in the room with their hands up worshiping with every piece of their heart that they could possibly give. Especially on this verse:
My heart will sing no other name Jesus, Jesus.

I mean who wouldn't want to scream that to the world? It proclaiming whats in our hearts. Its showing whats hard to express in this day and age. Its sometimes hard to put into words what you believe in with all you heart and this song completely shows that.

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