Chapter Twenty Five

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We changed into our studio jackets, I was sat in the front row with the mothers and the three other girls. I could see my dancers on stage looking nervous yet excited. I knew I should have been up there for the duet awards but I figured I would let Alexis go up and get the trophy if we won.

"Starting with the group awards. Second Place goes to starlight performing." The announcer said and handed the chosen dancer to go and accept the trophy for the studio. The ALDC hadn't placed yet and neither had we so now it came to the moment of truth,. Was The mistake that Maddie made enough to push them down and not get first place.

"First Place goes to..." She paused for effect. "BPCM Dance Studio." They all cheered and ran to accept the trophy and hugging each other. The mothers and the four of us were on our feet cheering as they accepted the first place award. This was their first competition ever and they had been successful. Now we can honestly say we are going to out shine Abby and her dancers.

We sat down and waited as she went through the teen solo category. It then moved on to the duo and trio category. It was weird watching as the girls were sat laughing and joking, I never got to do that when I was with Abby at her studio.

It went so fast it was a blur, All I know is that all the duos and trios placed in the top ten. We were buzzing, the adrenaline was rushing through my veins. Alexis and I won first place and I was so happy. I heard Abby boo somewhere behind us but Chloe Paige and Mackenzie helped me get up onto the stage and I was onstage with Alexis who I picked up as she took the trophy from the announcer. I smiled as she kissed my cheek.

"I have someone who wants to say something." The announcer said into the microphone. I looked to the left wing and saw a famous dancer who has danced in music videos on broad way and other places. She took the microphone off of the announcer and made her way over to where me and lexis was stood after taking first place.

"No one knew I was coming here today. No one knew that I was watching the competition. I have been looking for people for a dance project, originally it was only to be two dancers that stood out to me. But after watching the group dances. I found some talented groups of dancers and I am wanting the whole group to participate in the project." She paused. "That studio is The BPCM Dance Studio." I heard all the girls gasp and start cheering. I laughed as they all stood and started hugging me and Paige Chloe and Mackenzie ran up onto stage to join the group hug. I couldn't believe this, the first competition ever and we have been recognised.

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