Chapter Twenty Eight

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The next morning, I was up nice and early. It was going to be a long day and I needed to be refreshed so I took a nice long shower before stepping into some dance wear and putting a dress over it. I then had to wake Alexis up who was sleeping comfortably on my bed sprawled across the double mattress. I didn't have the heart to wake her. She looked so peaceful and so cute laying there without a care in the world.

"Lexi." I whispered and shook her gently. She didn't even stir. "Lexi." I said a little louder, she moaned and turned so her back was to me. "You've gotta wake up if you wanna dance in the project with the others." I said and she shot up throwing the covers off of her and stood up. I laughed s I grabbed her an outfit and some dance wear for her to put on. "Get dressed and come down stairs for breakfast. We've not got long until we have to leave." I said and left the room shutting the door a little so she could change.

I went down stairs and saw Paige sitting and eating her breakfast bar. I smiled at her putting my hair into a messy bun and grabbed myself a bar and made Alexis a bowl of Cereal. I sat next to Paige and opened the wrapper of my bar.

"You ready for this today?" I asked. She nodded finishing her mouthful.

"Yeah. Do you have a plan on how its going to do today?" I nodded and smiled.

"I know the song and the beginning of the dance. But I've decided to have each of us choreograph different parts of the dance. Like I'll have the beginning, You have the next bit then Chloe and Mackenzie can finish it. We've all got a different style to add and that could be used as an advantage." I explain. She nodded.

"I like that Idea." She said an Alexis came down the stairs bouncing an sat up next to me eating her breakfast without a word.

"You okay Alexis?" I asked she nodded. "Are you sure?" She nodded again.

I decided to let it go and we got ready to go pick Mackenzie and Chloe up from their houses. I grabbed my dance back as well as Alexis' and Paige grabbed hers before we headed to Chloe's house because she lived further away from the studio than Mackenzie. We got to hers and she was already outside waiting for us.

We then went to get Mackenzie and we went straight to the studio and unlocked the doors before getting everything se t up for all the classes that were scheduled for the day.

"We're gonna be busy today on starting the dance." I told them as they stretched quickly. I helped Alexis stretch out and I had her dance showing the others how she dances and what she can and can't do. I went to the reception area and got the paper work ready for those who wanted to sign up for classes. I had to show them around the studio. The competition team isn't in until later. The girls had classes to teach. Mackenzie had an acro class. Paige had a Jazz class. Chloe had a ballet class. I was the only one free for the first 2 hours 7-9 am.

The other dancers began arriving and made their way to their own lockers that had been put in for them to keep their dance things. They all spoke to me on their way through. The minis came in hugged me and I spoke to their parents before they went to get ready. Gianna had the minis for the first 2 hours this morning.

Once everything had died down and most of the students were in their lessons, I waited for the new dancers to come in. It was about 10 minutes before they finally arrive and greeted me at the front desk.,

"Hi I'm Brooke Hyland and a co owner to the studio. Is it true you want to dance here?" I asked.

"Yes it's true. These are my daughters Alexis and Charlotte Dame and their friends Jade, Louise, Sophie and Paige." The mother introduced. I smiled a warm smile.

"Hi girls. Do you love to dance?" I asked and they all nodded enthusiastically. I smiled.

"Good. Now, for the first hour You're going to show me what you can do and then join in with a class suitable for your age. if you like it you can join when your Mom sign the paper work." I explain. They ran off into the room I directed them to and I stayed to speak to the parent quickly.

"You can walk around the studio and get a feel of what its like here. You can come in and watch at anytime. How old are they?" I asked.

"7 and 8." She said and I nodded before leaving her to herself while I went to spend some time with the kids. The first hour flew by and the girls were all really good but had different strengths. I thought two of them were good enough for the team but it would have to wait until they're apart of the company officially before I could make a move.

Next, I took them to a mini class and stayed with them while they learned the choreography that Gianna was teaching. They picked it up pretty fast and Gianna gave me an impressed look. They looked really happy to be there and I couldn't wait to have them officially signed t the company if that's what they wanted.

After the lesson was over, I didn't have long until the competition team come in for rehearsal. I caught up with the 6 girls in for the induction. I had the girls try and find their mother so I could see her and hopefully have her sign the papers.

Once the girls had bought her to me I had the forms ready to be filled out but before that I had to have the girls tell me what their favourite syle is. They were all very similar except Charlotte and Paige liked Lyrical Contemporary where the others liked Jazz. This was great because the two girls I wanted for this project was Charlotte and Paige and they were amazing at Lyrical.

"Great so, as soon as the papers are signed, you're enrolled in this studio. Also If you sign, two of you have a opportunity to work with he studios finest dancers." I said.

The mother had all the papers signed and all the health papers signed and they were all set up for this studio. I took them all to their lockers so they could put their stuff into them. I then took them all to their studio bases for their lessons. I kept Paige and Charlotte behind and sat them on the bench in the dancers den by the studio the competition team used majority of the time.

"So girls, I was watching you when you were dancing today and I want you two as the dancers to work with the competition team on the project we've been set. I think you're amazing dancer and I would like you to be with them if you want to." I said.

"Yes!" They screamed in unison. I laughed.

"Okay then. Lets get in there." I said and followed them into the studio where the girls were already stretching and laughing at Alexis and she was bouncing around the room. She looked at me and came running towards me before jumping into my arms. I laughed and hugged her shifting her onto my hip.

"Okay girls, you know that today is important and I have asked two more dancers to join us. They only started at the studio today but they were amazing and lyrical is their forte." I said and everyone was so welcoming for them. I smiled and we began choreographing the dance.

start working on the project set for us

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