Chapter Sixteen

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After a long day in the studio,  all I wanted to do was sleep. I looked behind to the sleeping girl in her carseat. I smiled as she sighed softly in her sleep. 

Usually, my whole family would be asleep by now. My dad works early hours of the morning so he needs his sleep but the living room light was on.  I had to get Alexis in there unseen. Dad wasn't supposed to find out this way.

I took a deep breath and quietly picked up Alexis and opened the door without making a noise. I slipped upstairs unseen and laid Alexis on the bed kissing her forehead and pulling the covers up to cover her and went back down stairs. 

"Just tell me,  what is it you're keeping from me?" it was my Dad. Who was he talking to?

"It's not my place to tell." My Mom,  he was talking to my Mom.

"Ther who's is it Kelly?  Who is keeping things from me in my own home?" He yelled.  I stepped into the room.  I couldn't have him yelling at my mom for something that isn't her fault. 

"It's mine." I spoke up. They both turned to me and my Mom was shaking her head. 

"Then what are you keeping from me Brooke?" He asked walking over to me. I stepped away until I was sat next to my mom knowing he wouldn't do anything to harm me with her with me. 

"You may not like this,  but I have someone staying with us for a while." I started. 

"Okay,  why is that a secret?" He asked. 

"Because it's a little girl. She was on the streets and I brought her home with me." I explained.  He looked at me. 

"Why,  that's not your problem. You didn't have to do that." He said. 

"I know, but she had nowhere to go." I said.  This didn't seem to convince him. 

"She could have gone to a home. They would look after her." He said. 

"Because I don't want to.  I'm the only one she trusts." I told him. 

"Then I'll take her tomorrow on my way to work.  She isn't staying here." He said. 

"You can't do that!  She's staying here lot I'm moving out,  I'll stay with Chloe or someone." I said tears running down my face. 

"I can do what I want!  It's my house!" He yelled. 
I went to speak but was cut off. 

"No, I want to stay here." she whimpered and ran to hug my legs.  I pulled her up and kissed her forehead. 

"It's okay sweetie.  You are,  he won't take you away I promise." I whispered in her ear. 

"Yes I am tomorrow you are going to live somewhere else,  this is my house and I won't have strays without parents living here."

"Oh yeah?  Then what am I?" I snarled.  "I'm a stray sent I?  You adopted me didn't you? But if you don't want strays living with you,  then I'm going to leave to." I said and grabbed Alexis and walked out the door with my keys and got into the car and drove down the road and down the hill until I was out side of Chloe's house. 

I grabbed my phone and phoned her. 
"Chloe?" I sobbed as I heard the phone being picked up. 

"Brooke what's wrong?" She asked. 

"I'm outside,  can you please let me in?" I asked. 

"Yeah sure.  I'll be right down." She hung up the phone and I grabbed Alexis locked the car and stood outside waiting for her to open the door. 

"Are you okay?" She asked.  I shook my head and went into their living room where Christi was still up. 

"Is it okay if I stay the night?" I asked.

"of course it is." Christi said "What happened?"

"I told dad about Alexis and he wasn't happy about it.  He said that he didn't want strays with no parents living in his house. I got defensive as they adopted me and left." I explained. 

"You're adopted?" Chloe asked in shock as he held a sleeping Alexis. 

"Yeah as a baby,  I was only told 6 months ago." I said.  "I'm really tired. Us it okay if I go to sleep?" I asked. They nodded. 

"I'll have Alexis for the night, you go sleep in the guest room."Chloe said.  I nodded and said a quiet thanks before kissing Alexis on the road and headed up stairs to the guest room and fell a sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

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