Chapter Three

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The next morning, we all got up nice and early ate breakfast and sat at the Table in the kitchen and sprawled out pieces of paper and began a plan of our new studio.

We were all excited to get started because it would be an eye opener for Abby and the three other team area we left behind.

"Wait, we need a gym for them to build up their muscles. It should be in the studio on top floor." Chloe suggested and It wasn't a bad idea because it would help the dancers with their agility and their abs instead if drawing them on like Abby and her dancers.

"yeah as well as the fun room." I said. I had the idea of having a fun. Room filled with trampolines and others things to use when we celebrate a win or a Birthday, Christmas or whatever.

"yeah let's draw it. "

We were almost done with the basic design when the rest of my family woke up. My Mom was the first down the stairs with her dressing down wrapped around her petite body. 

"What are you guys doing up so early?" she asked  putting the kettle on.  We all looked at each other as if we were deciding Whether to tell her.  I mean we will tell her but didn't know whether to wait for Christi before telling her. 

"nothing.  Just messing around." Paige answered and covered pieces of the important work giving away too much of our idea. 

"ah, well Abby just called and she wants to know if you're  going to dance this morning." she told me and we all laughed.

"No chance.  She's a vicious old bat and we'll  do better on our own." I told her and she nodded in understanding.

"Okay I'll  call her back and call Christi and Melissa to tell  them." we nodded and as she left we began to continue our plans.  While they were drawing up the studios  basic outline and I started researching builders and land for us to buy. 

I totaled the price of it all and we started planning on how to fundraise for the money to build it.  I also thought of taking out a loan and using that pay them back as our studio gets more popular with the fees of the dancers. 

We spent all day planning and calling put to people to help us. I think this I was a new start for the lot of us. But it's going to be a lot of hard work.  But it would be worth it.

Now to tell our Moms...

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